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Friday, February 28, 2014

Spotight on The Partyculars; an Entertainment Company brought to you by Frolic Mills- Mikile Vinciolo Reporting...

The most interesting experience was not the just the interview, but the man that is the subject of the interview…Frolic Mills. 

When looking at the resume of this magnificent man, you begin to see his tremendous life unfurl: he is the CEO/Founder of the preeminent Miss Virtual World Inc. pageant, the retired founder of BOSL, a leading magazine publication, and now the CEO and founder of The Partyculars-a blossoming event/entertainment company that specializes in experiences, not parties.

He is a business force to reckon with, an indirect mentor to some, an intimidating entity to others. But spending an hour with this handsome lug of love, you quickly lose any preconceived idealizations of what you thought this man would be. Warming up quickly to this vibrant spirit, as he makes so easy to do, I almost immediately open up, conversing with this man as though he were a friend of a distant past. His energy is unequivocally a part of who he is, and why he has the gull to have made leaps and bounds in the business world of Second Life.

We breeze off to his office, an open space encompassing all that are privileged to see, in his first, BOSL. Covers from nearly every integral moment of the BOSL publications stint, in which he was chiefly involved, decorates the walls of this spacious, topless office.

We segue into a conversation about Second Life and a purported future based on the reality of things. I knew then that I had achieved gold in my seating next to this illustrious figure.

Interview with Frolic Mills

Mikile Vinciolo: So Frolic, tell me what is was the inspiration behind this project? Also, what was the deciding factor for you?

Frolic Mills: I sold BOSL [magazine] for numerous reasons ... bored, real life anxiety and health reasons.... But the one thing I wasn't willing to let go was the joy of creation ... when I am on stage creating stages, movements, choreographies and lights ... I am in my element, so that’s how THE PARTYCULARS came to be. It is an entertainment company.  I love it ... but also it will have as many commitments as I wish it to have and not the monthly stress that was BOSL and miss virtual world ... I did it for nearly 7 years and if you look around at some of my most celebrated covers here in my office, you will see I did not have much room left for growth ... even Philip granted me an interview...

Mikile Vinciolo: I agree with you- when you've reached the pinnacle of your success, in most cases, where do you go from there? Define in your own words what entertainment is to you and those apart of your venture. Because thinking of the Partyculars, I would never think entertainment per se.  I mean the name is more indicative, for me, of a party planning service.

Frolic Mills: Well, even BOSL was all about entertaining the sl community really. Miss Virtual World certainly had a big part in that, it gave life to models and hence, kept them entertained. SO now I am going after the performing arts - I want to find the most amazing talent in this field to entertain at major events.  Yes it is a party company…But we do not really do the party planning per se, we just provide the entertainment for it. Say, for example you get married ... well we can take care of the reception... Catch my drift?

Mikile Vinciolo: Yes! So, draw out what say a Rezz Day planning moment would look like on behalf of the Partyculars?

Frolic Mills: Ok! Here we go... picture this if you will: most Rezz Days are celebrated in some common place like house, or beach, etc. If you are a live singer -that is pretty much 99.99 percent of all Rezz Day [events] in sl. Let's try the Partycular way... the curtains open... to an all-black stage, suddenly all you see are eight dancing feet, and the music is a tango! And the feet move in perfect sync ... and the shoes are to die for ... and suddenly the feet reveal the rest of the dance troupe as the Rezz day person appears in the middle of all dancers ... and the Marilyn Monroe appears to sing happy birthday ... and the lights changes ... and the stage changes to reveal a full Las Vegas ensemble ... and omg omg! The lights! And the feathers ... are just fab...I know you want your Rezz day with me---I can feel it.

Mikile Vinciolo: Perhaps. (giggles)  It has become clear to me that you are about upstaging and creating lavish events.

Frolic Mills: Yes! I like to call it an unforgettable experience, the birthday boy or girl will remember this one- you understand"

Mikile Vinciolo: Yes! Tell how many events have you done to date? Has any gone awry?

Frolic Mills: Our opening is on March 1st and also on March 2nd; that is when it all starts. Opening of t theatre, and opening of the Partyculars. So no going awry yet (laughs) but, in my many years of producing shows with Miss Virtual World, Fashion Week, Fashion for Like and so on, I expect many!

Mikile Vinciolo: Have you taken any bookings already, or is that reserved for the moment when all your attention is turned to the March 1st and 2nd openings?

Frolic Mills: we have had many petitions but I have not taken any ... march 1st and 2nd is actually commissioned work as it is to celebrate the grand opening of THE LEFEVRE MANSION ... a gorgeous one sim mansion owned by Marcus Lefevre. After that we will see.

Mikile Vinciolo: So a big name client to start the ball rolling. Frolic, you are no ordinary man. (LOL!) Whom on this grid would be dream clientele?

Frolic Mills: hmmm - well let's see sl birthday celebration would be nice.... But that’s easy to get... hmm I do not know hun, I am honestly not looking for famous people for this company ... anyone can have a good time with the Partyculars :)  I had this job as the owner of the [BOSL] magazine, because as you know the cover sells! But, now, I am a bit more relaxed. Been there done that ... off to having a good time now :)

Mikile Vinciolo: For bookings, what are lines of communication to get access to you?

Frolic Mills:  I am open as a book :) so please contact me directly, or my personal assistant Miss AbbyJean Resident.

Mikile Vinciolo: I always like to end interview with great features such as yourself, leaving the audience with words of encouragement, tidbits, and such. Any lasting words my new love for our readers?

Frolic Mills: to my dear SL ENQUIRER readers I just want to say thank you for the 7 years of love and support, this has been an inexplicably beautiful and magical ride for me. Have fun, make it to the top and then remember you were once a newbie filled with questions and frustrations. Be kind to others and if you have some time, come and dance with me!

Mikile Vinciolo: I will definitely take you up on that offer.

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