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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Quinn Ying, More than just an Adult Film Star- Mikile Vinciolo Reporting…

If ever as an adult film viewer you wondered what takes place in the life of an adult film actor/actress after cameras have ceased rolling, the set lights have been switched off, and the exciting action is no longer in play then I am here to sate your curiosity per a popular adult film name-Quinn Ying.

            Being an adult film actress for four years and being featured in over 100*(16 of Quinn's own and about 90 with other director's) motions films, adult photo shoots, and having her own blog, she has become a bedroom chamber name. 

            Now taking her career from just the video screen, she is in hot pursuit of some of the top names of Second Life fashion as she works to hone her fashion creation, style, and blogging skills. 

Interview with Quinn Ying

Mikile Vinciolo: So where do you hang out Quinn?

Quinn Ying: I bounce a lot between Busty Sluts BBC Ghetto and some nude beaches, depending on what I'm wearing lol

Mikile Vinciolo: That's an interesting take on picking to hang out; decided based upon what you wear.

Quinn Ying: I'm very lazy to change outfits lol

Mikile Vinciolo: My decisions, in terms of hangouts, are typically based upon my feelings; so, why base your hangout spots on clothing choices? Are your clothing choices determined by your mood?

Quinn Ying: I'm a fashion blogger as well, and often I wear what designers pass me to review. This month I got lots of pink sugah items to feature.

Mikile Vinciolo: So, your mood is determined by fashion?

Quinn Ying: My mood depends on how busy I can get, possibly. It seems that lately SL is keeping me busy a lot, so my mood is fine ^^

Mikile Vinciolo: So, with that being said, would you consider yourself an artist in a sense?

Quinn Ying: I have no idea, I just do things. Defining them as art I thinks it's something that pertains to people enjoying it... I just try to make it the best I can, though sometimes I'm not totally happy with something I do, but it's fine it's a part of this game I accept :)

Mikile Vinciolo: I would consider you an artist of sorts, because you express your creativity through fashion, which is an art. But, that is my definition; moreover, what has stricken me about your response is that "art I think [is] something that pertains to people enjoying it..." Does this mean that your main source of inspiration is your consumers, not say a photo or inanimate object?

Quinn Ying: Inspiration is something I can't define, really. I'm sure it comes fom outside, from all the things we all see and feel around in both RL and SL. But certainly they have to go through a lot, be able to make me feel something, and in the very end is that something what truly inspires what I do.

Mikile Vinciolo: Getting to your origin, whom or what brought you to the Second Life platform?

Quinn Ying: Well when I created my first account in SL I had been hearing about it since a while... The weird thing that made me curious was that people were able to build their own house in it, and I wondered... Why would someone ever need to do such a thing?
So I decided to try it out, I think what made me decide to stay had been some good people I met in my early days. I remember the hardest part of my beginnings wasn't my utter inability to do anything, by the total lack of human relationships. Once I filled that gap, and got help to learn the basic things, everything went incredibly easy.

Mikile Vinciolo: Which lead to accomplishing the feats of your impressive resume, right?

Quinn Ying: Maybe just curiosity. All these things to do and learn, and so little time. What amazed me the most about SL was its incredibly fast pace. Everything just happens and ends in a few days, if not hours. On the other hand this means you can do more in less time. Another thing that pushed me a lot was my determination in becoming a adult film star. That set a goal for me to focus all my efforts, and in the end motivated me to do it all.

Mikile Vinciolo: From an aforementioned question, we discovered you to be somewhat of a fashion blogger and photographer. To the viewers that do not know your definition "ALL", in terms of you Second Life career, could you provide clarity?

Quinn Ying: Well, by all I mean, being the first adult film star to use implants in SL adult films, and that's something I accomplished, and also becoming an innovative director and photographer, which I accomplished in part, but I'm still in progress in these roles. I'm working to be more of a clothing designer and blogger as well, but I have so little time left it will be a bit hard I guess... But in the end that's what pays my bills in SL, so it's worth it anyway :)

Mikile Vinciolo: So, an adult film star foremost, a director, a photographer, a clothing designer and a budding fashion blogger...which of these arenas provide more of an outlet for you?

Quinn Ying: My opinion about it is that we should choose what to do in SL depending on what we enjoy the most. So I actually consider the first three options sources of personal enjoyment, and nothing more. Anything I get from those is more than I expect, so it makes me happy. The latter are something I enjoyed at first, being able later to pay my bills, so I'm driven toward them in a different perspective. I sometimes get responses from my clients that make me glad I started a store!

Mikile Vinciolo: Store? QYN, right?

Quinn Ying: yup! On the marketplace.

Mikile Vinciolo: What do you presently provide to consumers of your store?

Quinn Ying: My product line includes mostly body enhancements, bikinis and shoes.

Mikile Vinciolo: So what direction, in terms of clothing, are you planning to move your store, with your desire to progress as a fashion designer?

Quinn Ying: I'm looking in several directions- I think I'll try a few products I have in mind and see which ones I'll be able to provide with a very high quality standard. In the very end I found out it's what really pays out in the market. Being creative and push on new and innovative products is fine, but I'd like to try out and see if I can keep up with the best designers around.

Mikile Vinciolo: A competitive goal. Says a lot of your standards, don't you agree?

Quinn Ying: Well I do, and it's a tough struggle I admit, but in the very end it's the best thing it's worth working for, if we want to stand out in the crowd.

Mikile Vinciolo: Well, with your enhancements, you definitely do that. LOL!!

Quinn Ying: haha thank you Mikile!

Mikile Vinciolo: Tell me Quinn, what in this world is representative of you, be it anything from an action, place, time period, etc.?

Quinn Ying: What brings out the best in me are my friends, the people I shared my best times and those I worked with. I prefer to look at myself through them; first because my affections are everything I feel is who I am, and secondly, because without them I would have never ever accomplished a single thing. We're never alone in this world, and in the long run, the people I love are those that make me really happy to be here.



* revised 3/2/14


  1. Very interesting interview. I wish Miss Quinn Ying the best in her fashion adventure.

  2. The Dark Place:  An "all is lost" event causes hero to retreat or happens due to a retreat. The point where the character sees what the things he has been doing are not working. Because of own flaws, Hero failed, but he learns from them, faces his deepest fear and starts trying to overcome inner challenges standing in his way. Hero make changes to himself, to his plan, making a decision that forces the resolution of the story, transitioning him from warrior to hell-bent selfless hero. It also is known as Energetic Marker 3, Dark Night of the Soul, Abyss and Revelation, Plot Point Two, Act Two Climax, The Major Assault, Death Experience, Rock Bottom, The Ordeal, The Crisis, Big Change, Epiphany, Inmost Cave, and Crisis. The hero comes at last to a dangerous place, often deep underground, where the object of the quest should be hidden.  The tension should be at the highest point, and this should be the decisive turning point. You must convince the audience that their worst fears are going to come true. Dark point


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