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Monday, February 3, 2014

Products that can Help you Clean Up a Sloppy Inventory- Piers Diesel Reporting...

I am sure you have heard the conversation in Second Life about unorganized inventories. whether it is the amount of items someone has or they are unable to find what they are looking for due to mysterious lost inventory. 

There are products out there that can help fix sloppy inventories to make it easier to find what you are looking for. As far as lost inventory due to Second life glitches, clearing your cache might do the trick.

 In Second Life, creators have heard about inventory issues and have come up with solutions they hope to help you locate your items much more efficiently. There are several products on the market. Here are the ones I have found to get you started.

(CTS) Wardrobe: Organize your outfits with style! A visual inventory organizer
This is an easy-to-use web-based organizer for your outfits.
It is designed to prevent you from spending hours going through your inventory in search for the perfect outfit or object. Tag your outfits to find them easily again just by searching your inventory for the tags of the outfit you are looking for. You can add as many tags as you want, and your outfit will be in multiple categories at once. You are no longer limited by SL's inventory search structure. See all your clothing or all your black outfits or all your outfits with buckles (or whatever) with one click at one glance in the rezzable Wardrobe closet. It will work as part of your bedroom furniture  and when you are done browsing through your  organized  clothes and changing into that outfit you want to use, simply close the doors.
Priced at 699L

The SORTaMATIC is a storage system for your excess Second Life inventory that helps keep it under control, providing you with a sensible and secure inworld backup and archive solution. Placing items in the SORTaMATIC automatically sorts them into separate Drawers by their permissions, so that you can back-up you’re copyable and copy-transfer items easily and even send copy-transfer Drawers to other avatars for additional backup purposes. It is equipped with several search methods to help you quickly find and retrieve your items when needed. Each SORTaMATIC can hold thousands of items (SL limit is 10,000 items placed in a single prim) however you will get the most out of your purchase if you organise things neatly. A new "Folder Prim" feature exists so you can store items in your own categories (such as a collection of textures or an outfit).
Priced at 1,499L

Bright Inventory Box: Inventory organizer
The Bright Inventory Box is a single object which can be used to store dozens or even hundreds of other objects: reducing that collection of textures to a neat, single line in your inventory, or providing a safe back-up of all your favourite, and most expensive, copyable shoes - to keep in your inventory, rez "in world", or even wear as a HUD to access while you are out and about. It Stores hundreds of items in a single prim. It comes in 25 different styles and colours: store your things in a crate, a luxury leather "steamer trunk", or in a flat "pizza box" showing one of the Second Life inventory item type icons: or edit the shape, size and texture to suit yourself.
Priced at 600L

BOXER -- Inventory Organizer / Backup / Duplicate Finder
Size: 1 Prim
OK to copy or modify (script is copy only).
Can hold hundreds of items of any kind.
Retrieve ONE or ALL items on demand.
Displays count of each TYPE of item inside (see photos).
Detects safe-to-delete duplicate items, deletes them on command.
Gives List of all items inside (by name) on demand.
Auto-Locks when not in use.
Full instructions included.
 You can place Boxers inside other Boxers (or any object) if desired.
Warns about no-copy items.
 Easy pop-up menu on touch (see photos).
 No notecard set-up. No script editing.
 8 styles (ok to modify the textures/size).

Priced at 250L

hippoINVENTORY - Inventory Manager and Organiser
hippoINVENTORY is a set of simple scripts you can add to any prim. Once you do, you can use easy to learn voice commands to check, organise, delete, copy, give (or in a Hippo server, load) inventory items. Want to see every texture with ”house” in the name, for example? Then all you do is simply type in:  /9 list "house" textures. You can quickly see just the items you want to in a prim’s inventory by using the powerful filtering tools.
Priced at 450L

These are just a few of the inventory organizers available on the grid.  Choose the one that best suits your inventory organizing needs and stop wasting time trying to find an outfit the hard way. Use your newfound time hanging out with friends and enjoying Second Life!

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