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Friday, February 14, 2014

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY SLE FANS! Interview with Cupid 2014

Valentine’s Day is here and lovers are finding ways to surprise their special someone with gifts and plans for that special date.  In Second Life, venues are decorated and prepared for romance themed events and the matchmaker services are on overdrive. 

The SL Enquirer is observed this holiday by seeking out Cupid for an exclusive one on one.

 Last year, the bow and arrow was handed to a replacement Valentine mascot because the original Cupid decided to pursue another career in adult entertainment.  This year, Lanai searched high and low and finally found the 2014 Cupid sitting at The Blarney Stone Irish Bar and throwing back a few drinks.

Interview with Cupid 2014

Lanai: There you are Cupid! I have been all over the grid looking for you. The disgruntled Elf still shoveling deer berries in the North Pole told me I would find you here.

Cupid: Hey Lanai…just the person I was trying to avoid….
Lanai: Why is that?

Cupid: I was warned about you when I took this position from last year’s Cupid. It turns out that the interview you did with him caused all his lady friends to come out of the wood work and surprise him with prim babies. He had to take on 4 jobs to cover his child support payments.

Lanai: Oh my…How is that my fault? Maybe the last  Cupid shouldn’t have been using all those arrows for personal use.

Cupid: eh. Well since you found me… have a seat. I’ll buy you a drink.

Lanai: I really shouldn’t be drinking on the job but I guess one won’t hurt.

Cupid: Bartender, can I get 2 Cupid’s Specials.  Make em both doubles.

Lanai: umm

Cupid: I’m sure you can handle this drink. Its sweet with a little kick.

Lanai: *takes a sip*  O.o tell me about it! So Cupid….What is your strategy for bringing couples together this year?

Cupid: Well, after taking a little advice from last year’s mascot, I decided I would go a different route. I’m not really a sharp shooter so I created this love potion…

Lanai: The one you have me trying out?

Cupid:’ll be just fine *smiles*

Lanai:  Hmmm, I’ve heard that before after a few drinks. The next thing I knew, I had breakfast in bed for a week. The bad part is he wasn’t a good cook and did not look like the QG Model from what I remembered the night we met… So I’m back to making my own breakfast and seeing my therapist routinely.

Cupid: lol I’m sure a little therapy is keeping you on the straight and narrow. So, do you have a date this year for Valentine’s Day?

Lanai: How did this interview get reversed? I’m supposed to be asking the questions here.

Cupid: Why are you avoiding my question? This is something Cupid needs to know.
Lanai: *sips drink* Well…maybe. But I’m not the one in need of your assistance in that department. I’m here to see what your plans were for helping the residents of Second Life find love in time for Valentine’s Day.

Cupid: No worries, they will be taken care of.

Lanai: Have you made any successful connections lately?

Cupid: Keep on sipping like that and you will find out.

Lanai: pfft. I don’t feel a thing. What is this Cinnamon flavored kool-aid? *mockingly laughs*

Cupid: Something like that. But I will advice you too slow down, it will hit you.

Lanai: Mmmmhmm OK Cupid….Whatever. Let’ssss get back to busssinessss.

Cupid: To answer your question… I have gone to a few select venues and provided them with Cupid’s Special to serve to their guests.

Lanai:  What was the outcome? 

Cupid: Well, one venue reported a hook up ratio of 8 out of 10 people who immediately left the club together. Another venue said it caused a fiasco of twerkers working the dance floor and stripping down to their underwear. So I’m going to say this love potion is working like a charm. *looks over at an empty seat* Ummm Lanai?

Lanai: maaaaaan, who turned up the heat in here?

 *fans self*

I’m over here! For some reason I felt the need to dance.

Cupid:*shakes head*  See it works like a charm.  Check please!


Cupid: Soooo Lanai, what would you like for breakfast?

Lanai: o.O Where am I?....... Oh no… not again!

At least Cupid can cook....


Special thanks to Prometheus for the eggs benedict lol

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