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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Spotlight on Creators in Second Life: F&F Antique Creations and Fine Arts at Indus- Nena Dreadlow Reporting…

Creators are everywhere in the virtual world. From fashion and furniture to art and everything in between can be created and used by avatars. 

SL creators use their own inspiration and imaginations to create art and things that can be sold to residents in Second Life. The first location that I went to visit has some wonderful art pieces from paintings to vases, and a few art work furniture pieces. The one that I loved was called” Perfection Lady in glass”

 Fantasi Rhode says this is one of there first and favorite pieces. She described it as “Something that speaks to her“. They both have been doing Antiques and art work for years but they have just started branching out and trying different creations. 

Next Finn Showed me this Very Nice piece of painting called “Evening Shore” the other version won him first place in the people choice awards.

 However the photo does not do it true justice as the water moves in the painting.

Next I went to visit them at their main location. This location is still being worked on but, I was able to get a tour of the one store. “F&F Antique Creations”

 When I first walked in I saw this lovely piece called ‘Lady of the fountain Statue”  it’s a water piece and changes with the seasons. as I walked around some more at the store you can see such great items in here. You can really tell that they love what they do cause it shows in there work. By far the best item they had was the hand maiden statue. it is made of glass and coral textures.

 As you can from the photo how beautiful it is. You must come check out there items in person and see all the other items they have made.

What does it take to become a Creator here in Second Life?

Interview with Fantasi Rhode & Finn Lanzius

I interviewed Finn and Fann from F&F Creations & Fine Art.  As you can see from the title of the store they make many things from furniture to art.  Let’s take a look at some of these creator’s pieces and find out a little bit about what it’s like to be a creator in Second life.

Nena Dreadlow: How many years have you been creating here on sl?

Fantasi Rhode: Well I suppose you could say almost from day one in SL. Learning to put things together to make your furnishings and household things was a real challenge to me.  However, we have been creating for the public around 6 years now.

Nena Dreadlow: What is your favorite thing to create?

Fantasi Rhode: I love Color and things from our past. I want to make something so that when people look at it they can recognize it because it looks real

Finn Lanzius: Every piece I've ever created

Nena Dreadlow: What changes have you seen since you first started creating?

Fantasi Rhode: Sad to say however it’s the effect the market place has had on the second life experience. You don’t see people around just browsing, or learning to create. Use to, every where you went you would run into a lag  because so many people were here.  Now so few are even checking about or exploring the vast amount of places, that a lot of hard work have gone into it.

Finn Lanzius: Lots and lots of Ghost towns

Nena Dreadlow: What makes a successful creator?

 Fantasi Rhod:A person who takes the time to seek out those who can teach them the basics. When that is accomplished they can begin to use their imagination and build whatever they wish. 

Finn Lanzius: An imagination, learning the tools we have to work with it's just understanding the system, you can know the tools and not have a thought in your head. Creativity come from the imagination, comes from the mind

Nena Dreadlow: Approximately how many hours a day do you spend making things?

Fantasi Rhode: Sometimes 12 hours, sometimes 2. It depends on real life demands and what second life projects are under contract for completions.

F&F Fine Arts

F&F Antique Creations

HUNT EVENT : 2014 Metamophosis" Hunt
January 6th.- 27th
Event location(s): , Dream world Star (230, 205, 22) – Moderate

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Client Preferred Contact: Finn Lanzius

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