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Monday, January 20, 2014

Introducing Faster PussyCat- Tea Couturier Reporting...

In the Second Life fashion industry you can surly find what you want to wear for any occasion. We are spoiled in that category. However, if you are looking for something edgy, different yet still keeping to your stylish and trendy preference, it can be quiet hard to find.

 I came across a collection called Faster PussyCat back in September 2013 and since then I have been a fan of their collection. It seemed only natural to do a article on the team behind this fascinating collection. With Honey Bender away on business Ceor Auer, her husband and also business partner, along with Poosycat Littleboots were working on completing the new main store. Ceor  had time for a little chat over coffee with me about Faster Pussycat.

Tea: How did Faster Pussy cat begin?

Ceor Auer: Well Faster Pussycat started in 2008. Honey Bender Auer, my partner, is the house designer. However at the time, and even now, Honey was a model in the SL fashion industry but she always had dreams of designing clothes. I sort of pushed her to open the store and helped her get started using photoshop.

Tea: You create lovely edgy clothing, which I love, can you tell our readers a bit more about your collection and where the inspiration comes from?

Ceor Auer: Well Honey (Honey Bender) gets her inspiration from music. She loves Glam Rock and has said often times what she does is sit at the computer with the music blasting while she works on her designs. She designs like a real life fashion house. By that I mean she does lines of clothing as opposed to regularly releasing her designs. This allows the designs to have an overarching theme

Tea: How have you seen the popularity for Faster Pussy cat grow from the time you started from the idea to now and how has this inspired you?

Ceor Auer: In my answer I must admit to some conceit. I knew Faster Pussycat would receive acceptance from an audience because I have seen Honey's artistic talents from time we first met, over 7 years ago now. So I knew FP would be popular. Honey is, in my opinion, one of the most original designers in Second Life. But having said that I must also admit that I was pleasantly surprised that our popularity is so great. Our customers are rabid lovers of the brand and it makes me feel very humble to be a part of something that has steadily grown and grown over the years.

Tea: I have to ask, how did the name "Faster Pussy Cat" come about (smile)?

Ceor Auer: It's from a title of a movie actually. Faster Pussycat Die Die!!   It's one of Honey's favourite films.

Tea: I saw your collection for the first time at Avenue Autumn/Winter collection fashion show. How did this come about?

Ceor Auer: That show was very challenging for Honey as she also was involved with AVENUE on the production end so not only did she have to design her own line for that show she was involved with choreography and production for all the other shows. Basically how it came about was we joined the show to showcase the brand. This is how we market the brand, buy joining fairs and events so we can get our name out.

We are also involved in Sexx Sells that's coming up this weekend. That's run by Siren Productions.

Tea: What is next for Faster Pussy Cat 2014?

Ceor Auer: Well we just finished up for Sexx Sells so specific plans for what's next Honey and I haven't spoken about. General plans are to continue as we have in the. I know Honey will be starting her spring line soon and I will be working on promotional videos. After a big event like Sexx Sells or the release of a new line we will decompress for a week or two but never long. Honey's mind is always racing and once she gets inspired its back to the races for all of us
I also haven't mentioned Poosycat Littleboots and really should. She is our fantastic accessory designer.

Tea: What do you guys like to do when you’re not busy designing?

Ceor Auer: There isn't a time when we aren't busy, however, when we do get a little time to spare, we do take time out to go clubbing now and then.

Faster Pussycat shows you that in SL you do not have to design couture only. Just as in rl you can be the next Vivian Westwood and create your own edgy collection if this is more your type of designs.

I am sure as fashion 2014 progresses we will see not only new and bright ideas from Faster Pussycat but also from new and upcoming designers wanting to create their own little piece of fashion in Second Life.

Happy Shopping!

To find out more on Faster Pussycat visit:

Siren Productions welcomes you to a world of Sin,
 Jan 17th-  Feb 1st. 2014

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