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Monday, January 6, 2014


I was recently approached by a friend inquiring about the whereabouts of a mutual friend. It took me a second to realize that this person being sought after hasn’t been around for quite some time.  Due to our busy lives, sometimes it is difficult to keep track ofall our friends and  months might pass before we realize..Hmmmm… What happened to so and so.

This seems to be the case with our dear friend Jax Streeter.  Once a dominating rock star across the grid, he quietly slipped away leaving friends in Second Life bewildered and wondering where he could have gone. Some are speculating he has gone incognito under an assumed ALT due to obsessed groupies, others fear he has given up on Second Life and high tailed it to the real world.  The SL Enquirer is putting out an Avie Alert to see if anyone out there has seen or heard from him. If you have any clue where Jax Streeter is, please contact us immediately!

Are you looking for a missing avie? Email us and we will post an alert for you.

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