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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year Resolutions: Happy 2014 – Glossom Resident Reporting…

"Here's to the bright New Year, and a fond farewell to the old; here's to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold." -- Anonymous

New Year, New Life! To not jinx the new year and being true to tradition, every end of the year we strictly follow a ritual at the stroke of midnight to enter the New Year on the right foot: wearing something white or blue or wearing something new, jumping on the chair, eating raisins or lentils, jumping from a bridge or swimming on cold waters to wash away the evil, just to name a few. These rituals are part of cultural and religious beliefs, to each country their own.

What would you like 2014 to bring you? The arrival of a new year brings high hopes and prospects of a better life and of new opportunities. It is time to reflect on ones actions and behaviors in the past year and to make promises of positive changes in one’s life.  Without further ado, let’s get a sheet of paper and pen and wisely note down this year’s resolutions, hopefully achievable ones. With a little luck we will not fall into old habits.

SLE went around Second Life asking residents what are their New Year resolutions? 

Thank you all for participating.

Hugo A:  1. My first resolution will be to not always be negative and actually see the good in people around me; 2. As second resolution I pick three words: Make.More.Money because there can't ever be enough of it; 3. this resolution kind of goes contrary to #2, but it is to pay my employees better than just giving them a wage that others would see as a cheap tip in a filthy coffee shop; 4. Actually stick to my resolutions longer than it takes me to write them down.

ɱσℓℓץ ɱɔßяιdє (mollywho): do something for the community; give back; take care of my health and go to Church more. That’s about it.

ʝaz ĩleχ (jazrielle.lacombe): I want to make more of an effort to stay in touch with friends and to stop being so concerned about what others think. I think those are the big ones for me.

KK (kkadora): I have a list of 7 resolutions:  1st: I want to give more of my time to the new avies that come on and show them the wonderful world of SL; 2nd: I will be more sensitive to my family when it comes to their hurts I will listen harder and hug more; 3rd: I will train harder than ever in Roma and be the best Soldier Roma has. I hope to win the Battle of the ship this following year; 4th: I plan to move my family to Roma; 5th: I will stop picking up gifts because my inventory reached the 65k; 6th: I plan to love more, hug more, party more and be myself more; 7th: I plan to pray more.

Beakley Resident:  My resolutions? On SL I would like to find a caring family, I’m orphan on SL, go to school and meet new friends. In RL keep healthy and keep being loved is what I ask.

ƒ٤ɖ٤ika (frederikia): for the new year we are planning to recreate kostanipouli the capital of the Byzantine Empire, that is a big project and it will require all of our time we have online, we estimate a time period of 3 months of constant building as it will be built from scratch. On a more personal note I like to take each day as it comes. I do make plans and set a couple of goals to achieve every year. i am quite hyperactive and cannot just sit around SL looking gorgeous. I like to create, explore and learn. SL has helped me to learn many things, like for instance i love meeting people from different backgrounds and upbringings and i have learned a great deal of other countries’ way of life, how they interact with each other, their traditions and how they act in their everyday life.  It is funny how different we have grown up to be in our beliefs, the way we dress, we eat, we think but deep down we are all the same. In resume, my New Year resolutions are to keep doing what i most love to do.

Say goodbye to 2013 in beauty and with renewed energies to start the New Year at its best.

Happy New Year and safe paths,


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