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Monday, December 30, 2013

Interview with Musician Kev Tyson - Tea Couturier Reporting...

I was in Second Life looking for something to do and  wanted to listen to a live performer, so I browsed through the SL search guide to see who was performing.

 I came across Kev Tyson and the music genre he would be performing sounded nice. So I tp down to listen...

After listening to a few of his songs I decided that I would listen to the whole performance. After his performance I contacted him and asked if he would be interested in letting our readers know about him and also get to know the real Kev Tyson. Which Kev was happy to do so we sat down in a corner of a quiet café the next morning and we talked about his SL life and his career.

Tea. Could you tell us a bit about yourself?  How did you start performing in SL?
Kev Tyson. Well good question to be honest it sort of just came about I just figured why not and just did it and as time has gone on I hope I’ve entertained people as best I can.

Tea.  Where do you perform in SL?
Kev Tyson: I do not overdo events the odd one or two a week nothing major one of my first regular slots was at Palazzo a great venue and nice staff and owners too but now I sing at my good friends Urban Harvy on Every other Monday who himself is a great singer too and every other Friday the Kickin Club where all the staff are just GREAT a lot of fun that venue even if i say so myself and also I sing at Cafe Casablanca every other Wednesday another real nice venue just devoted to great entertainment I have done many other venues but way I see it why over do a good thing you don’t see Michael Buble on TV every night/week/month so i fig if it works for them it works for me LOL that’s supposed to be funny by the way for those readers that think I’m full of myself.

Tea: Who is your inspiration in the music industry?
Kev Tyson: Uhmm tough choice far too many to list if I’m being honest i just like great music no matter who what or how it’s done but if I have got to say one person well that’s sort of easy not that anybody knows him but that would be my Dad in my eyes he was the best god rest him a self-taught keyboard player and before I say any more he would be first to say far from perfect but boy he sure did give it his all and I’m sure anybody in music would agree that’s the best starting point to be part of the song if not pick your bag up and go home it’s all about connecting with the music which I hope I do as much as he did.

Tea. Oh how lovely :)  How much has the fans support helped you in SL?
Kev Tyson: Well without the fans what is any act I think all the people that go to my sets are great without them it sure wouldn’t be the same or as good so a BIG thank you to all of them ! There the stars in my book!

Tea. What do you like to do in SL when you are not performing?
Kev Tyson: Well I do try to get to other peoples sets when I can I don’t do much else I must be honest on that but when I do get to go to other peoples sets I can be sure of a good time too I won’t say who I go and listen too as I do not have favourites. I believe we are all good at what we do.
Tea. What can we expect for 2014?
Kev Tyson. Well I hope normal service as year goes on some laughs along the way as always and I hope some nice singing by myself too since all the upgrades of Second Life I’ve had issues getting online with a very poor connection speed and a unsupported graphics card now which I hope to sort out soon fingers crossed but as Elvis would say taking care of business as always.

Tea: Very true. Thank you Kev.
Kev Tyson: Your welcome and thank you

If you would like to learn more about Kev Tyson here are some links below.

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