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Monday, December 23, 2013

Avie Choice Award 2013 Results Are In and SLE Fans Have Spoken!- The SL Enquirer was Voted Favorite SL Media Source!

The soapbox speech

When a rock star friend told me I was going to win the Avie Choice Award for this category, I was unsure because I was up against some very talented sources. I stood here  for a while thinking about what to say after learning that SLE took home the award and a goody bag.

 It is an absolute pleasure to be a part of Second Life and do what I love; provide you all with continuous news from within SL and get to meet some of the coolest people from around the world.

 Looking back to 2004 when I was in The SIMS Online and thought it would be a neat idea to create a newspaper website for my circle of friends, never in a million years would I have thought that my work  and the work of a full blown Team of writers would be recognized as the most favorite SL Media Source in Second Life but here we are!

2013 Avie Choice Award

 I cannot take all the credit for what SLE has become. Sure my days consist of 48 hours on a slow day. Besides working here and there and going to school in real life. When I’m in Second Life, I am in my second home surrounded by friends.  I’m constantly capped when I log on or up to flirting, fighting, giving advice, writing, being told off, getting fluffed back up, editing, dancing, publishing, or just multitasking with a flurry of IMs. I’m just being me and doing what I do.

 This award will be proudly displayed at the media center just for you. It is because of each and every one that has contributed news or read SLE through the years that I stand here on my soapbox.

 If it wasn’t for you and the positive feedback I receive from friends and even strangers, I would not be here today accepting such an award. I can ramble on and on about the emotions I am feeling at this moment so I will just end it with some quick words .

The Drama Queen in Action
 It is with great gratitude that I say thank you Please rest assured that I will continue to do my best to provide Second Life with news uniquely SLE style until my arthritis or carpal tunnel sets, I’m forced to use Dragon or end my addiction to this virtual world and get a corporate media job. Whichever comes first.

*air kisses to all waving like Miss America with mascara running*

Lanai Jarrico

Avi Choice Awards Results


  1. To the avie that told me my award looks like a pair of legs giving birth to a baby holding a star.....hilarious!!!
    *cracks up*

  2. Congrats Lanai on a job well done and many more successful years to come.
    Prince Sonoda

  3. The SL Enquirer deserves the award, and you deserve almost all of the credit since you do almost all of the writing. Congratulations.


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