you been lied to in SL ? How did you find out? When you found out you had been
lied to, what did you do about it ?
I interviewed several avatars in SL to find the answers to the above questions,
their answers although somewhat expected were all fairly common...
we all lying while using SL?.... this is the Pinocchio affect.
person that logs in to SL uses an Avatar,
these avatars may or may not resemble what we actually look like in
SL... isn't this part of a lie ? If we are not showing a true representation of
what we actually look like in RL or be it that is the true fun of SL where you
can look as Fat / Skinny / Tall / Short as you would like to.
impersonating a Female and Females impersonating Males
of the avatars I interviewed mentioned they had been lied to by Males
pretending to be Females... eventually they acted unusual and did not want to
use voice and had been caught out with their lies.
/ Companion / Romance lies
avatars interviewed mentioned they had been lied to by deceitful partners...

they had been caught out in their lies either by turning up at a desired
location to have their alt seen or by the information of other people in SL
figuring them out.
is not what I have said I wanted.
lies have included lying about what an avatar wants to do or what they really
want – although this lie may appear minor – it can be hurtful and time wasting.
does one catch on to a potential lie ?
have poor memories – they simply can not remember everything that was said to
ever person they have spoken with – eventually they get caught on what they
have mentioned previously and hence become a liar.
way liars get caught are by facts ....
one person can not be AFK while they are dancing with another ALT in SL.
person can not do two or more VOICE calls at the same time.
do I try to protect myself ?
all of the avatars interviewed referred to TRUST....
can you build trust ? .... ask questions and re-ask the same questions at a
later date – if they are telling lies – the liar will forget and may give you
different answers.
people where you can via VOICE – this is the quickest form of verification.
If the
person agrees, you can also verify details by using SKYPE, FACEBOOK and Email.
you can talk to their friends and other people to try to verify the information
they are telling you.
your gut instinct – if something sounds too good to be true –
it out, or go with your gut instinct.
lied to does not need to be difficult to detect, if in doubt – check it out.
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