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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Green Lanterns of Second Life (SL)…Saving One Virtual Life at a Time.- Davvek Suun Ki Reporting…

A cry for help is heard in the distance…Real Life (RL) Charity Groups need exposure and donations, Second Life (SL) noobs just starting out with questions that need answering…these are just a few of the many impressive things that the Green Lanterns of Second Life (SL) have responded to successfully.  As they jokingly say..."They were green before it was trendy!"

The Green Lanterns (one of the longest running superhero groups in Second Life) can be described in basic terms as a Neighborhood Watch in Second Life. We dress as members of the Green Lantern Corps from the comics, and patrol the grid looking for those in need of help. We assist new residents in making the transition from Real Life into Second Life. We submit Abuse Reports to Linden Lab when griefers attack. We educate landowners about security arrangements. We provide security patrols for Second Life events. We offer free power rings, uniforms and training to new members. The Green Lanterns stand between innocent residents and those who would do them harm.

Code of Ethics

We adhere to several standard ethical principles.
§    We never attack anyone, even to fight back in self defense if we are attacked. That constitutes Assault, item #3 of the Community Standards “Big Six” behavioral guidelines. Attacking another resident makes us no better than a griefer.
§    We never use our group’s equipment, uniform or title for personal gain.
§    We never represent ourselves as having any power beyond that of a regular resident.
§    We are a volunteer organization, and as such we never solicit or accept payment for our services.

How to join
Visit our base in The Unknown Country 
 and click on the application giver. You must be six months old in Second Life before you can apply for membership.

 I spoke with the Leader of The Green Lanterns of SL.  Here's a brief quote on his opinion of the group.

"In many ways, The Green Lanterns are similar to a US-based group - The Guardian Angels. We go on patrols, looking for trouble to report. Our primary mission:  
 To protect the good people of Second Life (SL) from the bad. We never take direct action against these bad people. We never ask for any payment for what we do." 

 "The Green Lanterns of Second Life (SL) are always looking for new members, so if you enjoy helping people as much as we do, we would be proud to have you. The motto of The Green Lanterns of SL: "Our only limitation is our imagination." - Hal Jordan (GreenLantern Excelsior)

The Green Lanterns are made up of veteran individuals from previous SL Groups.  These heroes are the best from previous SL groups (the cream of the crop you could say) who have pledged their time to volunteer, raise money for accredited RL Charity Groups and educate the citizens of the SL Grid for a peaceful and fun experience. 

Everyone needs a save.  It’s nice to know that these veteran superheroes are out there helping the SL Community.  These Emerald Protectors have our backs for sure.  

This is Davvek Suun Ki reporting...until next time... Keep that Green Light Burning Bright!

[Release:  The Green Lanterns originated in Second Life, an Internet-based virtual world video game, developed by Linden Research, Inc.   All material stated, other than things known or believed to be in the public domain, are copyrighted by the author or credited to the appropriate entity.  As a result, all trademarks, logos & titles mentioned herein (Green Lantern), are the intellectual property of their respective trademark owners.  All donated Linden Revenue is solely collected, converted and donated to the respective & approved Charity Group; selected by The Green Lanterns group in Second Life.]

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