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Friday, November 29, 2013

The Gift of Generosity – Exquisite Xpressionz - Lacy Muircastle reporting ....

The gift of generosity has any number of ways in which it can and does manifest itself.  Exquisite Xpressionz is just one such manifestation of the generosity of the spirit using the platform of Second Life.
Three lovely ladies each with their own special talents but all with the will to give back to society the best way they know how, have come together and formed Exquisite Xpressionz.

Exquisite Xpressionz is to put it simply, a group which was established to educate, inspire, and entertain all users of the Second Life community; bridging the gap by promoting real world awareness and positive change, by educating, by the use of  art and entertainment.   All with a spiritual classy edge, Exquisite Xpressionz strives to bring real world elements that make you stop, look, and listen, engulfing the viewer holistically to touch, move, and motivate the heart, mind, and soul.
Exquisite Xpressionz is made up of:

Twylitedawn Keng-Inaka - Co Founder, Owner, Writer, Producer, Choreographer
Keyia Hynes - Co Founder, Owner, Writer, Producer, Researcher

Wisdom Price - Co Founder, Owner, Writer, Producer, Logistics

It transpired that three and half years ago almost to the day, Keyia Hynes and Twylitedawn Keng were talking about writing a sister series because there was so many of them inworld.  TK says” It was an exciting time because in the realm of Sl we had not yet heard of machinima, so to write original scripted material was new territory for us. However, the plan to continue was halted due to RL circumstances but upon returning, the discussion to do the sister series was back on the table. We talked about doing something bigger, using the SL platform, and as we broke down the contents of what all that was, we decided to do something even bigger. We didn’t want to just write a series that shadowed our SL lives as sisters; we wanted to leave an impression and impact on the SL community as a whole. We began discussing the details, and all that was needed to make this become a reality and in one day Exquisite Xpressionz was born.”

Twylitedawn Keng  : In RL she was born and raised in Georgia and has a background in law enforcement.  Presently she is pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Education. Her focus and goal is to work with special needs children. She has had to be an advocate for her own two children who were diagnosed with Autism/Asperger’s.  TK intends to answer the call of families who need direction. When she needs an outlet she brings out the singer/songwriter in herself.  She states that it is a natural passion to want to share the messages that GOD places in her spirit. TK’s general interests include reading, creative writing and storytelling, writing musical and literary works, singing, and anything soulful!  She came to Second Life in December 2008 when a RL friend of 20 plus years told her about it.  Initially she logged into SL for no real purpose. She comments that it was just cool and exciting meeting new people.  After some time The same routine was getting old and tiring and she was curious to find out what else SL had to offer.  She had met builders, animators, DJ’s, singers and the like and even though she dabbles in the majority of those areas, none held her attention.  Her explorations lead her to meet the people she would call family and it was then that she realized she had a purpose for being here.  TK quips “Thinking back to choosing my SL name which comes from the name my mother calls me, her words were “you were born on the twilight of a new dawn and you will be a light unto the world” That, is when my true Journey in SL began. I am Twylitedawn...”  TK is a visionary, singer/songwriter who uses life's tragedies and triumphs to fulfil a rising passion for true artistry. Whether it be written or musical literary works, she will continue to take you on a soulful journey; allowing the true essence of who she is am to shine brightest hoping that it touches all those seeking a way out of the darkness.  She emphasises “Being a part of such a beautiful partnership within  Exquisite Xpressionz allows me to use  life experiences to share, teach, and lend myself to the true calling that GOD has placed upon my life".

Keyia Hynes:  Keyia hails from Los Angeles, California and has Caribbean roots. Her background is in education and art. In 2007, she was watched a news report on a woman millionaire who played Second Life and her interest was piqued and she decided to try it out.   She says it reminded her of the Sims game a bit, but with more detail and freedom for creativity. While learning the basics, she ran into some incredible people with whom she would later forge permanent bonds with.   She says “We are a group of family and friends who spend time inworld as well as out. I am grateful for having them in my life.”  Keyia’s vision for Exquisite Xpressionz is to provide the community with a fresh breeze of talent rooted in God and geared towards inspiring the youth. She says passionately “The world is filled with so many stereotypes and labels that many are afraid to just be themselves. It is important to illuminate the message that it is okay to express yourself, positively and without fear."​

 Wisdom Price: Wisdom is from St. Louis, Missouri.  News and media reports about SL are what brought her here to explore and learn about this 3d Virtual World.  Her background is in technology, drama, community, social and educational services.  She says that there is nothing better than laughter, spending time with family, music, and producing results.  Wisdom is a quiet, mild mannered professional who loves God and loves her family!  Exquisite Xpressionz is an opportunity to for her to pursue her passion for inspiring, encouraging, and uplifting those who need it.  Her vision for Exquisite Xpressionz is to be a light to those in dark places and create products that produce such results.

Exquisite Xpressionz uses various forms of music, creative writing, dance and real world occurrences to engage the Second Life community. We all have our reasons for being a part of this platform and can learn from one another. There may be someone who has a story to tell and if they have the chance to speak up, they can touch another who may be going through a similar situation. Making a connection such as that can be life changing. The Exquisite Xpressionz team believe SL is more than a game, as it is made up of real people, with real feelings and real emotions. They believe God is ever present and the realm of Second Life is no exception. They expose SL in a good and positive light while providing opportunities to people all over the world to explore acting and dive into a new skill set.  Exquisite Xpressionz is on a mission to not only educate and inspire but also to give others in SL a chance to showcase their talent, whether it be acting, musical, or simply assisting them on a project.

The ultimate goal for the girls of Exquisite Xpressionz is to bridge the gap between RL and SL. They plan on branching out into RL and partnering up with others in the entertainment and media fields.



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