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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Meet Marjorie Fargis, Owner of ITALIAN MOOD- Piers Diesel Reporting...

Second Life culture and arts can cover different areas and topics. Most Second Life residents visit exhibitions or concerts which others have taken time to put together in Second Life.

Marjorie Fargis owner of Italian Mood, puts on performances and opera events for the residents of Second Life who want to embrace a different aspect of the virtual culture which they may not have the opportunity or chance to in Real Life. It is also for those who wish to extend their interests in Second Life.

 Marjorie Fargis sat down with me and discuss her involvement in the Second Life  community and also shared her views on the culture.

Interview with Marjorie Fargis

Piers: What ITALIAN MOOD is about?

Marjorie Fargis: Italian Mood ( - Born to Share, created since June 2007 was initially something like a Music Club hosting live performances from the best SL musicians, from the most celebrated artists to the new emerging talents, across all boundaries and music styles. It’s also an international community of people who love gathering to enjoy good music, share experiences and have fun together.
Since 2011 we started also other projects like: language courses (English, Spanish, French and Italian), education in music listening (classic, opera, ballet, blues, jazz), music basic theory lessons, computer music theory course, science and food events, photography course, philosophy, books and authors events and showcases. All activities are free.
We still continue hosting live performances by original SL and RL musicians in order to promote them also in the SL community, looking for new opportunities. We are also involved in talent scouting about music, offering to musicians RL services like production, mixing and mastering sessions, digital publishing and distribution, promotion and RL concerts booking. Music activities are managed by MusicMood ( Since spring 2013 we started a 24/7 web radio, streaming only indie and free music from all around the world (

Piers: Can you tell us how you became involved in ITALIAN MOOD?

Marjorie Fargis: In 2009 I met Swina Allen, during an event of art and music. At that time "SL Art", the group founded by Gleman Jun and me, was in charge of organizing events that could put together different art forms born in SL. Since the beginning, there was born a fellowship unrivalled among Swina and me. From that moment I became part of the Italian Mood project from which I am no longer exit and that I carry with pride.

Piers: You’re the owner of Ebook Parade Library and co-owner of SL Art. Can you tell us a bit about these ventures?
Marjorie Fargis: Being owner of a group or a land in SL is not that difficult. Have content to share and the willingness and ability to do so, instead makes the difference!  "Ebook Library Parade” is a project born in 2012 from the availability of a bookseller online (Ultimabooks), our real partner, to offer discounts for the purchase of Ebook to SL users.
This project follows and implements a previous project: Dusty Books, a library very similar to this that we built in 2010. The idea has always been to make available to users of SL, books to read, and to encourage users to write your own. For this Italian Mood collaborates with publishers of SL. Just this week the library Ebook Parade joins the library Edizioni Volando (publisher), which will provide opportunities for emerging writers to publish their books in SL.
SL Art was born in 2009. The group was founded by Gleman Jun, artist in SL, that engaged me from the beginning. Our idea was to create a group for use by artists and galleries in SL that would serve to promote the native art in the virtual environment. SL Art over the years has participated in and supported exhibitions of art in the Metaverse . It promoted artists through a blog and enabled communication of the artistic events through the group both in SL and in other social networks. The communication activity was related to another group that I founded in 2009: SL Crazy Press, a news agency that worked with several publications collecting material and distributing articles written by reporter volunteers under my supervision.
With the decline of Italian users in SL also the activities of those groups decreased and now we have conveyed everything in Italian Mood project.

Piers: Art and culture plays a big part in Second Life. Do you feel that it has flourished in Second life or has other interests in this virtual world changed the amount of exhibitions in Second Life?

Marjorie Fargis: We don't think about quantity but we are interested in real quality. There is a lot of people calling himself artist but most of the time they are not really artist. It is something like a sort of visibility anxiety it’s very difficult to find true passion and humility, the true pleasure to think and to make things. We think that SL art could have a better role and more visibility if people involved would think about real opportunities to create and experiment the virtual world.

Piers: What else do you do in Second Life when you are not working?
Marjorie Fargis: Second Life is not a job, it is a possibility, a powerful tool to create exclusive content. What else should enjoy myself over this? At Italian Mood work is fun, for everything else there's real life smile

Piers: What is next for you and ITALIAN MOOD?
Marjorie Fargis: There is a time in SL? For me it is always too short!
Italian Mood is constantly evolving and changing. Every day people come to share content and experiences. I don't know about future, we are a work in progress! Come and visit us and build the future with us!

For more information on Italian Mood:
Websites:  (music services)


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