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Friday, November 29, 2013

IT’S BLACK FRIDAY!- SLE Ad Sale Ends at Midnight SLT on Friday 11/29/13

The SL Enquirer is offering 50% off advertising for one day only! You can keep the savings for yourself or gift it to a friend!
To lock in your savings, email Lanai Jarrico with the coupon code "cornbread" and receive 50% off your advertising cost for any of the packages  below!

  • 1 Press Release Post-------------------- 150L
  • 1 Month Ad- 4 Press releases-------- 500L
  • Spotlight Feature/ 1 Month Ad------ 1500L

Coupon Code: Cornbread

*50% only valid if email is sent on 11/29/13 before midnight SLT!

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