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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blogging: Why is it so Popular? – Freewings Reporting…

Blogging is a popular activity in Second Life. A lot of people do it and there’s hundreds of blogs out there and people still keep doing it. I blog, and many people I know blog, but we aren’t the first to start and definitely will not be the last. 
So why do people continue to fall into the trap of blogging when there is so many already out there? I went around the Grid asking why people began to blog.

Interview 1

Freewings Resident: Why did you begin blogging?

Galatearanivus Resident:  I started to blog cause it was brought to my attention that is was something I can do and have fun with.

Freewings Resident: What do you enjoy most about blogging?

Galatearanvius Resident: To tell you the truth I enjoy everything about it. Looking for the perfect pose, for the awesome background that makes the outfit stand out, and the hair to match the look of the outfit ... it’s all enjoyable.

Interview 2

Freewings Resident: Why did you begin blogging?

Chloeelisabeth Resident: I started blogging because I figured I get asked enough where my stuff is from I might as well make one location for them to find out without having to ask me and I'm obsessed with taking photos so it was another reason to take photos.

Freewings Resident: What do you enjoy most about blogging?

Chloeeslisabeth Resident: Meeting new people and like i said taking the pictures for the blog with outfits I put together

Interview 3:

Freewings Resident: Why did you begin blogging?

Kaminfox Resident:  Because my friend and I loved taking pictures. And we like clothes as well.

Freewings Resident: What do you enjoy most about blogging?

Karminfox Resident:  I get to play dressup :D

After asking these questions to other people, I decided I’d ask them to myself. I started to blog because I loved fashion. I tried to design and it wasn’t my cup of tea so then I decided I would be better at wearing other’s creations then making my own. Being a model, I wouldn’t have the freedom to dress how I want to so blogging was the best opinion for me, and I’m glad I started to. I enjoy having the freedom to express style in any way I want to. I picked my sponsors based on what appealed to me and I don’t have to dress in clothes I don’t feel comfortable with.
If you want to begin blogging there’s plenty of resources available to help you out. One of my favorite ones is It has plenty of things that all bloggers can use to help them out. It’s the perfect way to help you when you’re at a lose for new ideas.

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