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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Spotlight on Howlers Sunglasses and More!- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Howlers opened their doors in April 2013 and have become popular amongst residents that like the biker style, wearing sunglasses, leather jackets and cool pendants with intricate designs.
  Howlers boasts a two floor accessory shop located on the Rattlesnake Desert sim; an active biker sim that offers its residents daily activities. Most of Howlers merchandise is worn by the biker community that frequent the sim. Visitors comes from near and far  for group motorcycle rides and other member events. Howler prides itself on quality and affordable merchandise ranging in price from 50L to 599L. They are also a proud member of 55L Thursdays, where different items are put on sale each week.
Owned and operated by Jasonn Mckeenan, Howlers is inspired by his own personal style and designs with quality in mind.  All items are low scripted so it doesn’t hinder the performance of the sim. Jasonn also offers a large assortment of detailed sunglasses in a variety of colors,  beach and biker style pendants, belts and leather jackets. If you are a biker and love to ride in style, be sure to check out Howlers on your next ride!

Meet Jasonn Mckeenan

Lanai: Hi Jasonn before we get into Howler Merchandise, I’d like our readers to learn a little bit about you. Every SL resident has their own story about how they found their way into the virtual world. What’s brought you here?

Jasonn: I was cruising around for something different to do years ago and I found SL. I made a character and forgot about. Then about 3 years ago when I was on vacation and bored with regular MMOS I sat down and gave it a full go around and haven't left since.

Lanai: I don’t blame you for staying. Second Life is such a unique virtual world. I can’t imagine things getting boring here unless the person lacks creativity or real life takes priority. Aside 
from your business, what else do you like to do in Second Life?

Jasonn:  Well, I spend a lot of time with the MC. I am a part of the Cobras when I'm not otherwise taking care of Howlers.  When I'm not tending shop I'm either DJing or I'm off with the explorers group; the Wild Blue Yonder.

Lanai: It sounds like you keep yourself occupied with all kinds of activities. Would you say Second Life is an extension of your real life or a place of leisure?

Jasonn: I'd have to say both in some ways.  I will say my personality and a large part of me is in SL. But I come to SL for the fun and fantasy I can’t do in the real world.

Lanai: That makes sense. I’m certainly not a real world journalist. So, how has SL impacted your real life?

Jasonn: Well I have found so many great friends and have made some lasting friendships that have gone far beyond SL pixels.

Lanai: I agree, that’s the best part. If you could describe your style in one sentence, what would it be?

Jasonn: Laid back and easy going with slightly sarcastic sense of humor.

Lanai: That’s a good combination.  Does SL mirror your RL?

Jasonn: In many ways yes. I'm very driven and project oriented and that's where Howlers really kind of came from; my desire to build and run a business.

Lanai: You are doing just that and it must feel good to see your creations bought and used by others. I want to thank you for sharing some things about yourself with our readers. Now it is time to shine the spotlight on Howlers! You offer a large variety of shades and accessories, can you tell me a little bit about your merchandise and what inspires you?

Jasonn: I like sunglasses in SL and I just decided one day that I wanted something more my own.  I spend a lot of time looking over pictures and or just looking at different patterns to find something to model my next set of glasses on or next creation for Howlers.

Lanai: I can tell judging from your collection. You have some great shades. Do you work alone or do you have a partner in business?

Jasonn: Actually it’s a collaboration between myself, the great designers at Tama (Fox Obviate and Eleanora Newell ).  With a lot of advice and support from my SL partner Melissagale.

Lanai: Support from others is important. It is great that you have them by your side.  Is your merchandise unisex?

Jasonn:  Some of the sunglasses could certainly be considered unisex, but I am pretty sure most men would not be caught wearing the diamonds glasses. *chuckles*

Lanai: Hey you never know, you might create a movement! Lol. So, what is your price range?
Jasonn: 50L to 599. I want things to be affordable and reasonably priced.  Most of the items are.
Lanai:  That’s a reasonable range. Do you offer sales and gift certificates for those looking for a great deal or to gift some Howler merchandise to a friend?

Jasonn:  We do offer gift cards and have regular sales. For example we very often do the 55L Thursday sales.

Lanai:I’ll have to check that out next time I’m out shopping. Do you offer custom jackets for bikers?

Jasonn:  Well, that is possible but it is not something we offer as a regular service. It would be cost and time prohibitive.

Leather Jackets

Lanai: I like that you are open to it because some people like unique things that can’t be found anywhere else. I might want a newsprint leather jacket with matching shades. Lol Anyway, there are many shops across the grid that sell a wide range of items. What separates you from other shops in Second Life?

Jasonn:  Well I think what I find most interesting to me about our sunglasses is that by and large they are unique. Sure like many we started by being "inspired" by real world sunglasses.  Now all of our creations are totally done in house and part of our efforts to make something really new and interesting.

Lanai: Location is everything and you are on a pretty active Biker sim. What kinds of activities happen here and how often?

Jasonn: Well the sim our store is on is just one of 22 of the Cobras MC sims.  There are several different MCs that all these home.  At the Cobra Pit there are events 5 in the evenings.  Saturdays is fishing and we have rides 7 days a week at least twice a day on our motorcycles on various tracks and sims. 

Lanai: Wow I didn’t realize it was such a huge organization of sims! Do you host any of the events?

Jasonn: I DJ on Thursday nights at 7slt. Lots of fun you should come by any time!

Lanai: Sounds like it. Thank you for the invitation!  Back to Howlers, every shop has a popular item. What is your hottest selling product right now?


Jasonn: Well, by and large our most popular regular priced sunglasses are the Pistons, which also happen to be my personal favorites.

Lanai: 2013 is coming to an end. What does Howlers have in store for 2014? Anything new you are working on?

Jasonn: Well I have a notebook full of drawings and sketches to work on.  Right now our next big project is going to be a new aviator style jacket. I am hoping it may be done by December. Boots might be in our future but that is definitely for next year at this point.


Lanai: oooo Boots! I have to say I love those and have quite the collection. I look forward to that in your collection. Do you have a group that visitors can join to get the latest news on your merchandise?

Jasonn: We sure do, it is +Howlers+.  That reminds me I need to get that group inviter set up this week....

Lanai: Glad I could help. Lol Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Jasonn: I just want to say that if you like our products tell your friends.  If you keep buying I’ll keep making new and better products for the next time you come back!

Contact Jasonn McKeenan for more information or teleport to Howlers

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