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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Does your avatar have a private life? - Lacy Muircastle reporting ....

Have you ever considered what your avatar does when you log off?  Strawberry Singh poses the question in her latest meme challenge.  Many of you will know Strawberry Singh as a brilliant SL photographer and avid blogger. She runs regular meme challenges and this weeks Monday Meme struck a chord, so I decided to share it with those of you who do not subscribe to her blog.
Go on have a bit of fun with this challenge:

Your Avatar’s Private Life Challenge

This Monday’s Meme was suggested to me a while ago by Mr. Winter Jefferson himself, however, I decided to wait and do it today because October 7th is his birthday!
Meme Instructions: I’m giving you two options to choose from this week. I will be doing both of them but you guys can pick and choose, unless you’d like to do both as well.
1. Meme Suggested by Mr. Jefferson: “What does your avatar get up to after you log out?”
2. Blog about one of your closest friends in Second Life.

Don’t forget to leave a link to your post in the comments and if you decide to do any pictures with this challenge, please share them in the Blog Memes flickr group.

Back in August Mr. Jefferson emailed me and said he had the most hilarious idea for a meme. He suggested I ask people to take a picture of what their avatar might be doing after they hit that logout button. Do our avatars have a mind of their own with their own style preferences and activities? Well, he said he knew EXACTLY what Berry does as soon as I logout and I’m going to quote him on this because it made me laugh so hard:
Actually she prolly walks covered up in clothes, neck to toes… and attends a knitting circle and says “Thank GOD she’s gone, can you believe she made me pose naked with a snake, fellow church ladies?”
So of course, I totally had to go with that description. I made sure she was all covered up from neck to toes and set her up with knitting gear and some lemonade. Hopefully now she won’t have too many complaints about me. Only Mr. Jefferson would think of something so outrageous that would make me laugh for hours!

For the second part of the meme, I wanted to share this second image. It is one of my most favorite images of us together. I took it over a year ago but I still look back on it fondly. I remember that night so clearly because I was quite depressed around that time and also struggling to complete a project. He messaged me out of the blue just to check up on me and I ended up completely falling apart in tears and he just swooped in and helped me out so much. He teleported right over, changed clothes and posed with me for hours while he chatted me up and made me laugh and feel so much better.
He has a knack for knowing exactly what to do and say to put a smile on my face. He has great style and is so incredibly generous. Who hasn’t logged in to a special gift of mesh penises or some other crazy present sent from him through marketplace? I know I sure have, lol! He’s kind and is always there to lend an ear whenever he feels that someone needs it. He has been there for me during very rough times when I thought I would completely fall apart, especially in the last couple of years.
I am so very thankful to have him as a friend. He brings so much love and laughter into my life. Thank you Mr. Jefferson for always being there for me, I love you. Happy birthday, I hope you have a wonderful day! <3
1st Picture:
Skin: .Birdy. Amber Skin ~Pure~ (Bare) F by Nina Helix (@ Wizarding Faire)
*Hair: Vanity Hair: Where is the Love by Tabata Jewell
*Top: Color.Me.H.O.F Mesh [Silk Turtle Neck[Grey]_S by Fashionboi Landar (Group Gift)
*Pants: .Mutresse. Simona Trousers [S] Flats/Bending Ankles-Black by Eeky Cioc
*Necklace: [MANDALA]POLLY NECKLACE /BLACK (Necklace/silver Metal) by kikunosuke Eel
Ring: Paper Couture – Diamonds and Pearl Ring by Cora Lu
*Mesh Hands: Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands – Bag by Siddean Munro
*Pose+Props: Hanta Furniture – Spring Porch Set – White by Hanid
Location: A friend’s home
2nd Picture:
Since this picture is very old, I don’t remember everything we are wearing but our clothing is all fromLadies Who Lunch.
Please remember that you can participate in any of the memes/challenges at any time. You’ll find them all under my Blog Challenges category along with other memes and challenges I’ve done over the years.

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