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Friday, October 18, 2013

Dance Queen's Cutie Award Winners for Best in Historic Dance of 2012, Unity Productions is performing their latest play: For Such a Time As This

The story begins like an ancient fairy tale.  A beautiful young woman, minding her own business, finds herself at the center of the story of murder, intrigue, suspicion, jealousy and conspiracy. 

After an odd series of events that include the King having a temper tantrum, a beauty pageant, and many women at a world-class spa for a full year, one woman is chosen to be the next queen; this is the ultimate “true’ Cinderella moment. 

What happens as a result is an uprising and a downfall you don't want to miss.

Join us to see the story unfold as Unity Productions presents “For Such a Time as This”, performed LIVE at their stage.

first two weekends of October and November
Friday --------- 6 PM
Saturday ----- 2 PM
Sunday ------- 4 PM


Scene 1 - Chapter1 - Vashti's refusal to come when beckoned.  King's banquet.

Scene 2 - Chapter 2 - Looking for a new Queen

Scene 3 - LEAP OF FAITH (dance)

Scene 4 - Chapter 3 - Haman and King

Scene 5 - Chapter 4 - Mordecai & Esther

Scene 6 - Chapter 5- Esther approaches the King

Scene 7 - LUMINIOUS (dance)

Scene 8 - Chapter 6 - Honor given to Mordecai

Scene 9 - Chapter 7 - Esther's Banquet

Scene 10 - SUPREMACY (dance)

Scene 11 - Chapter 8 - Decree for Jew's to take up arms

Scene 12 - NOW WE ARE FREE (dance)

Scene 13 - Chapter 9 - Mordecai promoted and honored

Scene 14 - Chapter 10 - Queen Esther's tribute

Scene 15 - Chapter 15 - HOME (dance)

first two weekends of October and November
Friday --------- 6 PM
Saturday ----- 2 PM
Sunday ------- 4 PM
Repeat performances the first two weekends in November

For more information please contact Unitypro Resident and Pet Karu.

(website under construction, please be patient with us)

Behold, how good and how pleasant [it is] for "all mankind" to dwell together in unity.  (a paraphrase of Psalm 131:1)

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