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Monday, September 9, 2013

Meet Debi Palmira: The Heart of London Sims- Tea Couturier Reporting...

If you have ever been to the London Sims you will notice as soon as you tp in that it is a replica of the one in real life; cleverly created to the last detail.

Owned by Debs Regent and Spike Hartunian the sim is not only a sightseeing sim it is also a working sim with stores from shops to rental homes. It also had Harrods and Selfridges in the early parts of sl virtual world store in sl. London Sim has a team who manage the sim to make sure it is working efficiently. One of those managers is Debi Palmira who is not only is GM and Ent Director for London Sim but is also manager of 12 great DJ's and is SL Tokyo York Mgr. I wanted to find out a bit more on Debi. How she manages to balance work and play in sl?

Tea Couturier: Could you tell us a bit about you and what you do in SL?

Debi Palmira: I joined SL Dec 2008 and about 3 months in I started working in my first club as a host. Today I am GM for London Sims, and I have been managing DJs for a little over 4 years.

Tea Couturier: I see you are manager of 11 Dj's in Sl that must keep you very busy?  How did you become a manager?

Debi Palmira: As of today (Sept. 1st) it went to 12 lol
In July of 2009 a DJ I know came to me and said he thought I should manage DJs. I told him I thought he was crazy. I told another Dj what he said, and he also agreed. The 2 of them bugged me endlessly till I came up with the name. Demented DJs; I made the group, they were both added within minutes, and have been with me ever since. And yes, at times, it does keep me busy, but I love music, and I am very lucky to have the types of DJs that I have in this group. But also, RL keeps them busy, so when that happens, naturally my workload lightens.

Tea Couturier: Can you tell us a bit about being GM and Ent Director for London sims?

Debi Palmira: Gah, where to start? lol I've been GM for about a month now, still learning the ropes, so to speak. I do a bit of everything. Help with rentals, commercial and residential. We've been redesigning all 4 sims, making some changes. We're not done yet, but it's coming along. I work with everyone on the team in regards to what monthly events are happening, what projects need done, who does what, and when. We have an awesome team, I see so much talent from so many, from scripting, building, planning events, running venues, DJs, hosts, live performers; terraforming, communications, greeters who love to help new people and make them feel welcome, and those that work behind the scenes. Basically, I guess you could say, it's my responsibility to make sure London Sims runs well, but I wouldn't be able to do that without having a great team. As far as Entertainment Director, which is what I was before I was made GM, I would oversee all venues. All venue managers came to me about any issue that needed to be taken care of and I would go to them. As GM I'm still somewhat involved in that, but I've been able to take a step back since one of the venue managers is now Entertainment Director.

Tea Couturier: For those who are not familiar with SL Tokyo can you tell us a bit about it as I see you are also manager?

Debi Palmira: Tokyo York is a club in London Sims. It also exists in RL. We were lucky enough to get legal permission to use their branding. Unfortunately being GM has taken up a bit of time so it's not currently running. But we're trying to solve that issue.

Tea Couturier:  With so many things you are busy with how to you relax in SL?

Debi Palmira: Ah, well there are a few things I do. Music, dancing, movies, hanging out and talking with others. And sometimes what I like to do is bring up a mix one of the Djs I manage has done that I have downloaded, crank the volume up and go on one of those grid-wide hunts LOL

Tea Couturier:  What else can we expect from you or from your work in SL?

Debi Palmira: Well there's a few things coming, but it isn't just from me, it's as a group, whether it be with Demented DJs or London Sims. With London Sims we're working on a couple new venues and we're continuing with the redesigns on all 4 sims. It's just been awesome seeing the changes happening and hearing positive feedback from others. 
We've also ventured into Aviation, so there will be a lot coming from there.

With Demented, just keep working on getting them out there, and getting them heard so people can hear how good they are and see how much they love their music and spinning. And I have 2 awesome web admins who do a great job also.

To find out more on London Sims:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to do this Tea, I enjoyed it! :)


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