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Friday, September 6, 2013

Discovering Wild Texas Rose- Justice Brentley Reporting...

I am very excited that I found this place in Second Life called the Wild Texas Rose.  Entering into the sim for the first time, I  felt like time had turned back. The old western theme at the Wild Texas Rose has many things to offer, like horseback riding on the trails or right on into town.

While you are in the town, check out the saloon where you can ride the mechanical bull and horse while listening to all the greatest tunes from  DJ's.
 Wild Texas Rose has rooms for rent as if you were back in that era.  You and your partner can even ride in the carriage around town. 

You better watch the sky's though!  You never know when a tornado will blow through. With the storm animations all in motion, it brings some realistic weather effects to Second Life.

When you come into the Wild Texas Rose everyone is welcomed and all is like family. Great staff is what makes a place run and last a long time and you definitely do not want to miss out on this experience of a lifetime. I recommend all should at least stop by and check this place out.

Wild Texas Rose Managers
 (from left  to right )

Deja Rage General MAnager
Byron Birdsong DJ Manager
Brea Skytower Host Manager
Ghostpaw  Assistant DJ Manager

I was very pleased to meet with the owner Jaelin- AKA Cola and the co-owner Dani, and here are a few questions I thought I would ask.

Jaelin- AKA Cola first came to SL in 2005 and Dani first came here in 2003.

 Justice: What made you decide to come up with the western theme?

Jae: I am From Tx a small town country girl that had moved to the city in rl and after having many other sims I wasn't sure what my next one would be,or if there would be another one, I  was sitting and talking  with my sl sister Dani she said what will you make for this sim sister , I told her i didn't know,but I wanted ppl to  know who and what I was about, i  had build other sims but they never seemed personal enough,and i had done them with others in mind, but nothing  that  said it was me or felt like me. as we talked and i was telling her more about where i was from how i grew up on a farm, and had told her I guess i am home sick,she told me then build this what you feel, I laughed and said i would not know where to start,She told me I will help you in this: I said ok I want Texas, and Giggled..and said I  will think what  we can do here:

The next day  when Dani had logged in I said Sister i have Idea , I want to build Texas I build how i feel and well I am country and it is something I know very well and is so close and very  personal, when we started and i told Dani what I had in mind,& after telling her:
I remember her words to me: she said sister, I don't know Texas but I feel what you have, and I will do my best to make what you see & feel,I am the type of person that builds how i feel.....
Next thing I knew i was looking for a Texas Raw...couldn't find one so I started thermoforming the sim into the shape of Texas..After that I sent her a tp and she, liked it and said now what?

We hit the shops and Market place for a home: well nothing  seemed right and then the next  day when i had logged in Dani said sister I tp you, You must see this..
(I guess my Dani is more country than she knows because when i would log in she had done some amazing things and vise versa). It was a shop that had many western shops and OMG I was in Heaven..everything looked and felt so right, one building after another many hours & days we spent setting things out we had a city. one area is set like a farm area and felt so much like home:So we just kept going,My Muse was with me full force many ideas flooded our a joke i dropped a building I said we could make this a club,again she said then we must do this if you feel it, always at my side.

My dani was at my side giving me the words of encouragement and the strength to keep going,always supporting each other..well the club was up omg we were bouncing all over this sim, with so many ideas, but always taking the time to sit & talk going to listen to the live performers,we must have been reading each others mind cuz we both  started  typing to each other about having the singers there,we laughed and still had not planned to have it public.

See it was never set out to be a Western Sim,the sim was just going to be a place for my sister and I, never did we think or have the plan to  make it a club,as we worked more the better it felt Even though my sister Dani and I have never met in rl, we are very close and seem to feed off each other very well, next thing i knew we were looking for Dj's & Host and the Sim was Born.

Justice: What do you like to do when you're not working?

Jae/Cola: I love to build , music and time with family & friends, rl I love the beach
long walks in a light rain, sitting on the deck  with a cup of coffee/ tea in the night air with the stars.
Dani:*I love to build, listen to music and enjoy with my friends and sl  family.

Justice: Would you like to give credit to anyone that helped you out with this adventure?

Jae-Cola: ....First of all : Danijela Diker Co Owner_sister & best friend , Arianna Aedipo sister & friend , Mist Rae sister & friend,for always being there when I needed them most :(Girls"s Gone Wild ) To all my Managers: Deja Rage -GM  Byron Bridsong- DJ MGR, DJ Ghost (ghostpaw) - Asst-DJ Manager,Brea Skytower- Host Manager for they  have worked so hard and have put in countless hours going above & beyond  what  they do  to  make WTR  what it is today  All the Family-(staff) because they  have all contributed in some way  or another stepping  up when we needed them most.

 Tristan Juanos -Great friend who gave me tremendous amounts of support & encouragement  when i felt i  just couldn't go on  & our first sponsor Smair Beorn _Best friend for over 4 yrs (who held me together after a huge loss in my life) (my Rock so to speak) & WTR"S Videographer Johnny Paramour, Jimmyt49 Dukes ,  Hazie moonwall , Tom2.0_ for going out of their way to make room to sing for our Grand opening & still a part of the WTR family.

 DJ Cowgirl-WTR's first DJ. and for her hard work in all she had done while she had the time here.( hope we get  her time again soon )(busy woman she is..All of WTR's Sponsors for their Generous Donations that help us keep this place up and running : To all the VIP's & Members that come and show their support to us all.

Without each and everyone of them This would not have been Possible, Everyone that  comes to WTR deserves this Credit , as I see it : It takes a Village to raise a child, and this was Dani's and my  baby and everyone that comes here helps raise it . There really are not enough words to express how everyone has touched me in this adventure ae Wild Texas Rose is my Heart

Dani:  All we can imagine ..

Jae- Cola: You know I could go  on & on and wished I could list them all, cuz everyone I meet holds a piece of my heart in some way..

Justice: What all does your western style sim include? ( In other words what can people do here?)

Jae-Cola: OMy ..Best In:Western Entertainment,Saloon (Club) A Friendly Atmosphere  ,Romantic Areas
Horse Trails,Shopping,,Fishing, Rentals,(Some of the VERY BEST)  Live Singers Tribute Bands Best Dj's playing  Great music (all kinds not limited to just Country ) & Host/Hostesses  to make you feel welcomed & to give you  the best SL  experience and or time in sl. We here at  WTR, want to make everyone that  lands to feel & become a part  of our ever growing Family.

Justice: What can we expect for the rest of 2013 for you and your work in SL?

 Jae-Cola: To continue with what we have and offer and to  keep  building  with  taking into considerations the suggestions from anyone that has ideas comments and or suggestions that  they  would like to see. Everyone can expect to be greeted and welcomed as if we have known them all our sl lives ; our Policy : The door is always open , so come on in.

More information about Wild Texas Rose

Website - Still under construction  but  viewable :

Youtube page to  view our Videos:

1 comment:

  1. I had a fun time taking a tour of the Wild Texas Rose. The attention to details makes you feel like you are in the wild west. There's a barn, general store, western style club where you can try the bull ride for lindens and a carriage ride outside. One of the things that I thought was very cool was the simulated tornado that kicks up dust and debris. This sim is designed with attention to detail in mind. Definitely SLE recommended!


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