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Saturday, September 7, 2013

AFTER THE FALL - Dark Urban Role Play - Lacy Muircastle Reporting ....

We all like to be part of a greater whole and one way to do that in SL is to be part of a role play community.

AFTER THE FALL is a new role play sim with a sci-fi, post-apocalyptic theme. ATF is an elaborate grungy city, with aliens, combat, and adult-themed role play.  It's a highly interactive sim that gives avatars the opportunity for group role play or solo quests (with prizes).

AFTER THE FALL is an adult-rated sim, so you must be 18 years or older to play.

The creator of the sim, Tigerlily Hyun told the SLE “We are very excited to open up this new role play sim. We're just getting started, so you will see new features, new content, and new quests over time. Come and grab a copy of the Welcome Pack at the landing point for more information and read the sim rules.  Join the AFTER THE FALL - Survivors group to keep up to date on important information, new role play scenarios, and events.”

This is a role play sim, which means that you get out of it what you put in. The more you immerse yourself into the role play and help advance the story, the more fun you'll have. Explore, make friends, join a faction, have fun!

Please note that since it is an adult sim, by being there, you are agreeing that you are not offended by graphic displays of violence or sex. 

Image by Tigerlily Hyun

For the back story check out this link:

Here are the basics: Meteors crashed to Earth carrying spider-like creatures that virtually wiped out humanity. The spiders grew strong and established vast breeding colonies. The few survivors, struggling to survive, were surprised when gray-skinned humanoid aliens came as well. The new aliens had a purpose. They had been tracking the spiders and were hunting them down. Out of fear, the humans attacked the hunters, not knowing who or what they were. Shoot first, ask questions later, right? Over time, some humans and hunters made contact and formed an alliance. But some humans wanted nothing to do with these new visitors and fought hard against them. Likewise, some of the hunters avoided contact with the humans, seeing us as just another lower life form. Clear factions formed and fighting between the groups continues.

Image by Tigerlily Hyun

Be part of this vibrant community.

Image by Tigerlily Hyun

1 comment:

  1. This is a very well put together role play sim. I did the missions to begin the game and it kept my interest. I really love the underground sewer systems and the attention to details. It is a must see for role players looking for a new and exciting scenario.


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