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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What to Wear by the Avatars of Second Life- Tea Couturier Reporting..

In Second Life we can easily see what avatars like to wear but to actually know what they are actually wearing in SL you have to ask them.

So that is what I did. I hopped around different sims across the grid looking at what people wore and asking them what stores they love to shop at.

I spoke to High who informed me that her favourite store was HUDSON clothing store because she felt it offered good quality clothing at reasonable prices. She also bought shoes and jewellery here to help accessories what she had bought already which she found very useful and easier. Her favourite skin store was Bellezza. Again  she felt Bellezza offered her a variety of skin designs which she felt moulded the look she was after. For hair she went to varies stores but was very keen on D!VA as she felt the styles were very modern and went with the look she wanted.

Jayde who was waiting on friends loved Truth hair. For clothing she loved Soul and Mesh and for skin she felt you couldn’t go wrong with LAQ as they created good quality skin. However, as she liked to change her look often she did have Bellezza skin which she thought would be a must shop to go to first if you are new to skin.

Soul and mesh heads for clothes:

When speaking to another shopper called BellaamOr, she recommended Live Glam for clothing and also fiFridays

Keirakeira said she tends to avoid the marketplace as she loves shopping and feels there is nothing better than to browse at the store and window shop at the same time. Again she loved hair by Truth but her skin was custom made by her partner who was starting out in skin design. She created one but is doing them by custom order only for now
Skin by jwabbit inworld

Hope loved coldlogic which I must admit I had never heard of before or ever been to. However, after going to the store the clothing is very hip and stylish and will be defiantly shopping here in the future. Another cool fact is that Lanai Jarrico has some coldlogic in her closet too. She loves the fit and realistic look of the jeans and jackets.

Finally on my way home I met Jayme33 and she informed me that her hair mainly came from Magka and CaTwA. Her skin was from Hush which she felt he skin looked flawless and the skin detail was impeccable.  She also loved buying at Al Vulo. 

She loves mesh clothing

Shopping in Second Life is fun and with so many designers out there across the grid you can never predict what people are buying and from which store. However, I have found a few new stores that I had never heard of and will defiantly be popping in to buy a few things.

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