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Friday, August 9, 2013

Spotlight on TRESOR COUTURE; the Re-invention of Affordable Elegance for the Fashion Diva in Second life on August 16 ©- Orchids Reporting…

“The phoenix must burn to emerge.”
-       Janet Fitch(White Oleander)
The word "couture" immediately conjures up the image of a highly exclusive designer and clientele whose capacity for creation is considered highly unique and off the beaten track. Couture fashion in the real world and in second life to a great extent comes at an interesting decline in the pocket contents. Few people can really afford clothing at such prices. Fashion and taste is not an exclusive to any group. A fashionista may be lurking in the heart of that waitress making ends meet. SL is fantastic in its concept that anyone can be the diva which their heart sees for a fraction of the cost of real life. Here at Tresor Couture their main goal is to make high end quality fashion at affordable prices for the second life of the fashion diva. They have been here a long time and now it’s a time for re-invention.

Interview with Karensunshine Renierd (karensunshine.emerald) and Julya Lykin-Bishop (julya.lykin)

Karen is a devoted land owner of Charleston Bell.  She is a true workaholic devoting all her time to her Charleston Lace Grand Ballroom, Dock Street Theatre, The Sand Bar & Tresor Couture and Charleston Harbour.  She runs a lovely establishment with her husband Jo Renierd for nearly 3 years. 

Julya is also a workaholic.  She runs 4 different things on SL.  Owner/Organizer for Dare2Bare Hunt, Total Anarchy (dark discount room), Shame Me Designs (Shape shop) & Shameless promotions (a store promotions company, basically an SL version of Hotel Impossible [don't know what it is? Youtube it =P]).

Orchids: Halloa Karen and Julya! Congratulations on your grand re- opening of Tresor Couture! You make apparel of high quality for women which I personally recommend. This re-opening - is it a form of re-invention? When is it? What’s in and what’s out?  
Karen and Julya:  On August 16th we are reopening to show the new renovations.  New items out, new discount section where older items will have their prices dropped dramatically.  Also 2 free gifts for visitors.  Tresor Couture is High Fashion @ a low cost.

Orchids: Your focus is High end quality fashion at affordable prices for the second life of the fashion diva. What inspires you to pursue fashion?
Karen: I started out as a silent partner for a friend to get her off the ground.  Then when my ballroom took off, I wanted to have nice gown for my ballroom members.  I made gowns that were only exclusive to them.  Then the hosts wanted gowns as well.  So I decided to share my creations with everyone on SL.

Orchids: What does fashion mean to you? What interests you? 
Karen: Fashion is an obsessive hobby.   It is wearing what you like, but with a sense of style.  My store is more of the traditional, classic style; with elegance and grace.  Also, I’m really into hats. Outfits you can go out to the Kentucky Derby in.

Orchids: What don’t you like about fashion?
Karen: I find that some of it is too trendy.  No longevity to the style.  I favor the classics.

Orchids: Fashion today is gone tomorrow.  What defines your brand of fashion and sets it apart? 
Karen: I am especially attracted to cocktail length, and day dresses with hats. I'm into it I'm sure there are others that are as well.  In a fashion world full of high skirts & low cut bodices.  I believe that is what sets us apart.

Orchids: How would you describe your design aesthetic?
Karen: Classic

Orchids: Top moments so far? 
Karen: The Kentucky Derby collection & fashion show. 

Orchids: How would you describe your personal fashion style?
Karen: I wear what I create. Classic, stylish & lady-like.  A regular southern Belle.

Orchids: Do you do custom work for that Fashion Diva who wants to set her style apart from everyone?
Karen: Unfortunately, with the time it takes to design something custom, there is just not enough time in the day.

Orchids: What is the most unique item you created for someone?
Karen: The closest thing I've done custom for someone, is making a dress in a custom color for Zuri Jewelry as we collaborate relatively often.

Orchids: Do you conduct fashion shows or events to showcase the collection?
Karen:  Fashion shows are done on the sim.  There is one coming up August 31st in fact.  The 2 stores that will be featured this time will be Pink Pearl Designs & Bella Donna Couture. I have participated in the past.  And plan to in the future.

Orchids: Do you take part hunts? How are they important to you?
Karen: I have participated in hunts in the past.  I also participate frequently in Sim hunts. Hunts are important as they show people that might not know that you exist what you have to offer.

Orchids: Tell us about your group and what it offers...
Karen: We offer the membership free and it updates on new releases and we have a monthly free gift as well.

Orchids: Do you have discounts and gifts for the shoppers on a limit? 
Karen: Yes as part of the renovations.  We made a section that is behind the staircase of retired items for a very deep discount.  It will be available at the time of the reopening.  Also we put out 2 gifts.

Orchids: Whats next for you professionally?
Karen: I plan on expanding my brand and adding an addition to the store, as an outlet store put on the Harbour sim.  It will offer swim wear & shorter dresses.

Orchids: Any advice for aspiring fashion designers? 
Karen: Get into what you love; something that is you.  If you like it and make it others will be into it as well. 

Orchids: Anything you would like to say to the long term customers?
Karen: Thank you for staying with us and being loyal customers.

Orchids: Anything you would like say to the readers and the ones who are interested in visiting your store?
Karen: If you are into the classic, southern belle type of fashion.  This is a place where you can get luxury at price that will not break the bank.  For those that come to visit our beautiful sim.  We greatly thank you in advance.

Orchids says:
·         Wear what you love. Be the diva you want to be. Be the lord you want to be. Your heart knows it.
·         The gowns worn by me are free gifts set out by Tresor Couture shot with low graphics on an ancient Lap. So… if I could look good one can imagine how it really looks. August 16th is the D-Day. Come find out….

Group: secondlife://app/group/949588ce-8969-2d10-144d-fc28cf4e6dfa/about


  1. welcome and Thank you!...good clothes always have a place in the heart.. makes us "human" ?! :)


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