On the evening of August 15,2013 , fawaaz2013, a
practicing mime of sorts (without the makeup) entered the SL Enquirer media center with a suspicious
backpack and what appeared to be an idle arm sticking straight up in the air.

Through the confusion Ms. Jarrico contacted
another media personnel to witness the odd behavior and give assistance if
needed. Upon Justice Brentley’s arrival, Mr Fawaaz turned his attention to him,
all while remaining silent. As soon as Lanai started to wind back her hand to
administer a bitch slap, the assailant immediately fled never to be seen again.
There is simply no explanation for the
behavior of some griefers and what part of acting a fool is actually entertaining.
The situation has left both Lanai and Justice perplexed and un-amused.

Case # clown3094857
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