Whatever your views are on this activity in
Second Life, to make SL a world which equals Real life in certain aspects,
contests of chance where you can win money, is very popular in Second Life and
will always be.
find out what kind of money was being played at these venues, I went down to 3
different types of gaming facilities, offering different
lay outs and unique games.
My first stop was Ocean view gamers
This sim is dedicated to playing games to win
Lindens. Here you will find:
Greed or No Greed
Byngo Bonus
Wacky Animals
Solitaire with and without contest
Diesel Games
Gridwide solos
NoDevil Wheels
Reel Wild.
Since opening its doors in 2004 the traffic has been
semi high at 21,965 people but the wins have also been high .
Playing the games you have a chance at winning anything from 0L-10K in Lindens
One winner walked away with 3500L on one game then
2500L on another game. This person spent 500L on each game before they won the
prize money. So in total, this person won 5000L if we exclude the money paid out to win.
My next stop
was GREEDY BASTARDS No Devil Reel Wild Wizard Crazy 4Play
As soon as you teleport in, a bot greets you and
hands you the rules for playing here. The place is set out completely different
than Ocean. Greedy Bastards is set up as a modern style casino and has a host
who acts as your croupier, however, there are other games there were you can
play solo.
Here you will find:
No Devil Reel
Wild Devil Hunt
Wizard Crazy
4Play Stomp
The Fox Destiny
Prize money again can vary from 0-10K Lindens
The most I could see anyone winning for the time I
was here was between 100L-750L.
Since opening its doors in 2012 the traffic has been
high and around 27,049. So this tells you how popular it is.
My last stop
was STUDIO 777 Game Dance Club Treasure No Devil Reel Wild Zyngo
This is a very well-known establishment but is
probably well known for the games they have to offer to win money. Here they
have not just made it about spinning the roulette but have also created a dance
floor with club nights for those who would like to not only throw the dice but
also get down on the dance floor.
Here you will find:
1000 Games: Enchanted, Party Crasher, Wizard, Money
Vault, Devil Hunt, Gold Digger & Kickers to name but a few. Nightly Vegas
Events. Also they have DJ & dancers Ad boards, Trivia & Shops!
Since 2011 there has been 30,395 people Teleporting
to the sim. However, with there being more to offer than just the casino I am
not sure how much that is in traffic for the casino or for everything at Studio
777 but they have a lot to offer.
To see the prize money that has been won I would
have had to go real close to the players playing as it was busy so new scores
were being added each time. However, just like the other 2 venues it had a
steady stream of players wanting to play to win Lindens.
With all the prize money being won, you could get
the impression that there is easy money to be made here. Play for certain
amount of money then win 100L+ for not even having to work for an hour doing a
job in Second Life. However, it is just like everything else, sometimes you win
some and sometimes you lose some. Once you are aware of this and are fine with
it, then you can make money playing the games in the casinos in Second Life.
Friendly Warning: Please game responsibly. These games can be very addicting. Be sure
not to bet your tier money away or you may be left homeless in Second Life!
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