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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Rock Star in SL and RL: Meet Wayne Davis- Tea Couturier Reporting...

In SL it is neat when you can find an artist who has performed in RL with other well-known performers. Whiles looking around for something to do in Second Life (c)  I came across Wayne Davis.  After his concert in SL, I decided to have a chat with him about who he was, not only in SL, but also in RL and also to learn more about his life in both worlds

Interview with Wayne Davis

Tea: How did you start performing in SL?

Wayne: I heard about SL about 8 years ago from my older brother who is big in gaming, at the time I was on the road a lot in a traveling band and didn’t have time to check it out.
Tea:  For those of our readers who may have not heard you perform yet what kind of music do you sing?
Wayne: Pretty much if they will dance, sing along to, or drink to it, I'll play it, country, rock and blues.
Tea:  You have performed with a lot of R famous performers can you tell us a bit about this?
Wayne: My first performance ever in public was opening for the band Blackfoot at the Nibroc festival in Corbin KY, I was 16 years old at the time and just before going on stage I got so nervous that I quit the band lol, after some pep talking from the rest of the group I jumped up on the stage and it was like a switch in my soul flipped and I became the entertainer, I’ve been hooked ever since. I have played music on stage with .38 Special, a great bunch of everyday people whom were more than willing to speak to me as if they had known me for years. Duke tumatoe is probably my favourite to jam with, he can really put away the Crown Royal lol, all I can say about the rest is on stage and on camera they act very personable but behind the eyes of the public, fame has really taken its toile on them as that they seem to think a lot of themselves lol.

Tea:  You have participated in many national RL guitar competitions can you tell us a bit about this?

Wayne: I have held the tri-State King of the Blues title since 2005 for the Ohio, KY and Indiana area, though there were some great pickers at the competitions, if I had to give them any advice it would be to show up as if you are playing for your life, not like you’re playing in your living room.

Tea:  Who would be your inspiration in the music industry?

Wayne: I would have to say first and foremost my very supportive girl Tammy Davis as far as influences SRV hands down.

Tea: How do your fans in SL support you? How has this made you strive on in performing in SL?

Wayne: The fans are everything, the energy, the fun, the friendship and the drive to keep on going when it seems like all the venues are closing their doors.

Tea: What do you like to do in SL when you’re not performing?
Wayne: Build, Script, and join in on combat sims.

Tea: What can we expect for the rest of the year from you in rl and sl?
Wayne: Releasing a new CD in the near future.

Tea: We can only but wait to see what is next for Wayne Davis and we look forward to the new CD.

To see Wayne perform check out:
Group Wayne Davis Rocks Fans 5d64df3e-b6e7-8629-539e-c4d618c7edc4

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