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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Stop Being Broke in Second Life – Glossom Resident Reporting…

Haven’t you ever secretly wished to come across a virtual millionaire who likes to drop some fat lindens into your account? That would solve your money troubles for a while but it is not likely to happen. Sadly lindens don’t fall from the sky and spending all day long walking down the streets of Second Life looking for some lost coins seems to be a complete waste of time. So how can we stop being broke in Second Life? When easy money is hard to get, hard working money seems to be the easiest call.

Imagine what you could have with some extra lindens: renewing the wardrobe or buying that gorgeous outfit that you have been anxious to get but can’t afford; giving yourself a complete makeover; refurnishing the house or getting a king-sized bed for that huge house that you have been sighing for… Now that I got you motivated, it's time to kick laziness away and to take action on finding a job.

Here are some tips on how to find a job and, above all, how to keep it.

1. The best jobs in Second life

The best job for you is the one that will allow you to follow your passion. If you are passionate about something and have fun while doing it, that is half way through for being successful in your job and in keeping it. Getting a financial compensation for doing what you like isn’t the best part but it is a great plus. It could be anything, music, modeling, writing, hosting, greeting, acting, teaching, whatever truly fulfills you.

If your main goal is to forget about passion and fill your account with lindens and save for the future, then obviously the best job for you is the one that offers a higher wage. The higher the wage, the bigger are the demands, so if you are searching for your first job in Second life, then patience is a virtue because it takes time and a lot of experience to build a career and work on the best paid positions.

So what are the best paid positions, you ask? Besides being a creator or a business owner, being the General Manager (GM) of a venue and a Real Estate agent are proven to be the ones. Not only you get those lindens but you also get social status, if that’s what you care for. Being the face and the force of a venue or of a Real Estate Agency has its price and it will go directly into your account. Before you stop reading this article and go searching for any of these positions, stop it right there! Do you have the experience needed to apply? If so, then go for it and good luck. If not, then you should first gain experience and learn to domain certain useful techniques. Hosting or greeting is as valuable as any other position and will give you the tools to grow and develop your competences.

2. Searching for a job

The classifieds folder in the SL search is our best friend here, so grab a cup of coffee and plunge headlong into the immense list of jobs available. Now that you have read tip # 1 you know what to look for so your task is easier. Filter the job search to the specific position you want and browse through the results.

Job Agencies are also a good way of finding a job.  Once again take advantage of the search engine to visit several Job agencies and check the ad boards to see if you identify with any of the offers available. Alternatively, you can place your own ad in the “For Hire” section.

Now it’s time to ask yourself if you are willing to work for tips or not. Working for tips can be ungrateful as the fruit of your work depends on the generosity of visitors, so to be safe search for the position that offers an hourly wage or a two hour shift wage, like some Ballrooms or clubs for example, that will offer you a fixed income plus tips.

Here is a word of advice: before applying, teleport to the venue you are considering, visit it a couple of times to feel the atmosphere and ask yourself if you would fit in. Work atmosphere is very important to keep a job or not. Search for healthy work environments where you will not feel intimidated or uncomfortable, a place where you want to be and not that somehow you feel forced to be.

3. Create your Resume

Your resume is your passport to career land. So be faithful to yourself and honest in your words.

Here are a few guidelines on what to include in your resume:

·         Give some data on your second self, like full name (never display name), date of birth, your time zone and number of daily or weekly hours available to work;
·         Mention your experience. If you don’t have any, put your passion in the notecard and mention how much you would love to learn and evolve;
·         Demonstrate that you are familiar to some of Second life's basic tools and functionalities;
·         Show that you understand the role you are applying to and its requirements;
·         Describe why you do believe that you are suited for that position and how you can contribute to the success of the venue.

4. Applying for THE job

Read the ad very carefully, follow the instructions and spontaneously include your resume in the application. When filling the form or being interviewed, do not lie about your experience or you will be raising the expectation of the employer and that can put you in trouble. Be calm, relaxed and positive so your fingers or voice will follow the good vibes.

Have loads of fun while doing whatever you are doing and good luck in your pursuits!

-Glossom Resident

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