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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Scam Alert! !!!!!!!!!BEWARE!!!!!!!!!- Issued by anton Feldsperling- 7/16/13

If Someone  invites you to ***REDGRAVE SKINS*****group.....asking 500 Linden to join and promises GROUPGIFTS and stuff... DO NOT JOIN!
THAT IS NOT .........Redgrave by Emilia Redgrave. ITS A 100% FAKE....

DO not join that group if you believe you may get freebies ore Redgrave Bargains.
THAT PERSON is using the name REDGRAVE to get your Lindens !


Ein ganz schlauer Stratege......hat nen neuen Trick eure Lindens einzuheimsen.
Es gibt wen der sich als REDGRAVE ausgibt und schickt einladungen zu einer gruppe raus...die 500 Linden beitrittsgebühr kosten soll.
Da werden Gruppengeschenke versprochen und was weiss ich was.
DAS IST NCHT !!!!!!!!!!! REDGRAVE von Emilia Redgrave.........DAS IST EIN 100% FAKE:......



  1. THANK YOU FOR THIS INFORMATION! I received an invite from this bogus person too and I'm glad I declined it. I think it is a shame that there are people in Second Life that try to scam others and threaten the reputation of hard working residents and their reputable businesses. I LOVE the real Redgrave. They have been around for ages and sell quality merchandise.



    Re: Scammer creating fake stores - How can I report it, if at all?

    I have seen fake stores a lot this year. The fake stores take pictures from other merchants and sell empty boxes or put free stuff into it or danger phishing things - the content is fake and never a ripped or copybotted item, because the fake stores don't spend this time. They only spend time in copy images/advertisings of other creators and brands.

    Only the origin merchant can report this to LL. And what happens when soemone reports to the origin merchant(s)?

    Only one single item is gone and LL never understands that ALL items are fraud - LL does not see that the entire store is fake. And LL does not recognize it, when some weeks later an other merchant files a DMCA - or in other words: How many DMCAs close a fake store?

    Well, ok, sometimes one merchant could do the right action and the fake stores were closed ... but that is just luck or this merchants know an unpublished feature. Some creators managed that their items were gone from the fake store, but the fake store still exists and lists their items again one week later. And so on ...

    The ways merchants used to report their stolen images and brands are:
    to write a review
    to flag item
    to report abuse
    to file a DMCA
    to file a support ticket

    But as long as all this actions delete single items only and not the fake store ... the scammers have an easy game to play and laugh.

    It is strange that I only found this thread and
    to search and find a way to fight complete fake stores and not single cases.
    It is sad that you started this thread last year and nothing changed now, August 2013, except: The fake shops list items quicker than customers, creators and merchants can report. In my opinion we only can stop fake shops when LL manage to recognize them and closes those stores. To recognize them is easy, for example: when origin merchants show them the origin Marketplace listing where the image(s) are stolen from.

  4. Thousands of Ryan Eagle Scammer strike every month, trying to find the weakest victims they can and prey on their willingness to believe anything they hear online.


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