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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Real Life Birthdays vs Second Life Rez Days- Pandora Drezelan Reporting..

I recently celebrated my fiftieth birthday in real life which was a really big deal for me, hitting half a century and I still feel the same which is a bonus.

At the end of this year I will be celebrating my fourth rez day in Second Life and for me both experiences vary a lot. Some people celebrate their real life birthdays within Second Life and vice versa with their rez days and real life. 

Even though my Second Life is a huge part of my real life I prefer to keep the two separate I always mention my real life birthday to my Second Life friends but it is an event on its own to me. I also tell my real life friends about my Second Life rez day so it goes both ways.

My Real Life Birthday

I don’t usually do very much in the way of tradition when it comes to my birthday. I spend time with family and friends and I am lucky enough to receive many text messages and comments via social media wishing me a happy birthday, it’s always a lot of fun and every birthday is different and full of surprises.

My Second Life Rez Day

My rez day in Second Life is always the same. I don’t celebrate with friends because most of them are busy due to  time differences and so I put on my best newbie outfit and go exploring and do all the things that I enjoyed doing so much when I first landed in Second Life. This little ritual helps me to appreciate my virtual side and constantly reminds me of the fun times that so many people take for granted.


Whether it’s a birthday in real life or a rez day in Second Life, take the time out to really enjoy it. This is your day, hang out with friends or just chill out by yourself and have a relaxing day, make the most of it, after all you only get one life ..... well .... TWO actually and THAT is the best part.

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