In our quest to be of service to our loyal readers and to the SL community at large, the SL Enquirer now offers an Agony Aunt column.
That’s SLife … with Lacy
Your SL Enquirer Agony Aunt
Really? And what exactly is an "agony aunt" I hear you ask?
According to that 100% accurate repository of all human knowledge, Wikipedia,
an agony aunt is "[a]n advice column . . . in a magazine or newspaper
written by an advice columnist (colloquially known in British English as an agony aunt, or agony uncle if the columnist is
a male)."

How do you ask advice from Lacy? Simply ask your question by sending me a detailed notecard inworld or emailing me at I will then post your question and my answer below in the SL Enquirer, in a relatively timely manner. Your question may be modified slightly for clarity/brevity's sake or in order to omit identifying information, or ignored if you're clearly just messing with me.
* Lacy will not give legal advice, but may be able to point you in the right direction
Lacy regrets to inform younger readers that this column is for persons aged 18+.
Lacy reserves the right to decline to answer any letter.
I look forward to hearing from you.
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