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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Independence Day Celebrations in Second Life- July 4th - Orchids Zenovka reporting ….

Happy Birthday to the United States of America! July is full of days to celebrate...

For those of you who may not be aware, Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, from the Kingdom of Great Britain. The United States is a diverse nation with diverse people. Each year on July 4, Americans celebrate that freedom and independence with barbecues, picnics, fireworks and family gatherings.

The Canadian Independence day is celebrated on July 1 and here’s a toast wishing all of you a belated Happy Birthday, Canada!

Another event that will makes this year’s July 4th celebrations special is that the Statue of Liberty will once again open her arms to everyone on Independence Day.  Hurricane Sandy, on the statue's 126th birthday, flooded Liberty Island covering it with water as high as 8 feet.
Unlike RL, where it is celebrated on a grand scale and only in the USA, in SL, people from all over the world come together to celebrate a simple concept; that of “Independence.” SLers are a unique lot and we come up with so many innovative ideas.  Here’s a roundup of a few interesting things you can do in SL notably music, fireworks, hunting, fishing, shopping, food and more music…

Did you know ....

During the American Revolution, the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain occurred on July 2, 1776, declaring the United States independent from Great Britain.

The Declaration of Independence: a statement explaining this decision was prepared by a Committee of Five, with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author. Congress debated and revised the wording of the Declaration, finally approving it on July 4.

Tidbits: Both John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, the only signatories of the Declaration of Independence later to serve as Presidents of the United States, died on the same day: July 4, 1826, which was the 50th anniversary of the Declaration. Although not a signatory of the Declaration of Independence, but nevertheless another of the Founding Fathers who became a President, James Monroe, died on July 4, 1831, thus becoming the third President in a row to die on this memorable day. Calvin Coolidge, the 30th President, was born on July 4, 1872, and, so far, is the only President to have been born on Independence Day.

The Statue of Liberty- A gift from France, the statue was conceived to symbolize the friendship between the two countries and their shared love of liberty. It was dedicated in 1886

The Pledge Of Allegiance: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

The United States Flag: is the third oldest of the National Standards of the world; older than the Union Jack of Britain or the Tricolor of France.

The Linden Lab gift…

The best thing gift they can give to avid SLers!

“06-28-2013 02:38 PM
Due to a US holiday on July 4, no rolling restarts are planned for the servers this week.”

What you can do in SL

1.                                         Music , Charity with a bit o’ fishing

Our very own Jessii, one of the organizers for tribute city’s Fourth of July celebrations was rushing in the helter skelter of SL and RL; in the 15 mins of logging on to SL, with terrible lag notwithstanding, she told me what is going to happen at tribute city.

Orchids: Good morning Jessii!
Jessii Warrhol-Giano (jessii2009.warrhol): Hi there.
Orchids Zenovka: What is tribute city doing for July 4?
Jessii: We have a 4 day event; where we have a merchant’s fair, music, a tribute band, live Dj sets. We are also doing a relay for life fundraiser for the team. 7seas fishing events will also take place up here.
Join us in Tribute City for 5 days of music, shopping, and fun as we celebrate the 4th of July!! 

DJ Schedule:

June 30, 2013:
-10am slt - DJ Anakin
-12pm slt - Lamb of God Tribute Band Concert
July 1, 2013:
-12pm slt - DJ Anakin
-2pm slt - TBA
July 2, 2013:
-8am slt - DJ Emilia
-10 am slt - DJ Mia
-12pm slt - DJ Anakin
July 3, 2013
-8am slt - DJ Emilia
-2pm slt - DJ Mia
July 4, 2013
-8am slt - DJ Donna
-10am slt - DJ Mia
-12pm slt - DJ Emilia

Each Dj set will feature a loaded contest board and there will be a special raffle, hunt, and other fun activities!  A special merchant/exhibit fair will also be in our Washington Monument area. Join the inworld Tribute City groups for more information!


 Rock and Fireworks:


ls Salas:  Join us at Hotlanta Blues as we celebrate FREEDOM on the Roof with Fireworks from July 1st thru July 7th! OK, so the pixel BBQ is kinda bland and the beer may be flat, but the BLUES will be Blistering Hot! Along with our excellent lineup of Blues DJs, we'll have LIVE ARTISTS to spice up the week's events and feed your hunger for fabulous entertainment!

3.                                   Hunting, Dancing  and  Shopping:

The beautiful aspect of SL which gives hope is that even people outside the USA celebrate this day; a representation of humanity and its desire for the right to free will.

I talked to “Bellydance Props Kawala” owner Shica, who has in her own way celebrated this day. She at first told me she isn’t the most fluent in English. On egging her on to speak from her heart, she (with help) told me what she has planned for Independence Day; both the Canada and America.

Orchids: Who is ζhїδuїтαα (shica.secretspy)?
Shica:   I am the owner of Bellydance Props Kawala and the designer of beautiful exotic clothing that accentuate a woman's sensuality and eroticism.  My focus is on the designs used by women who role-play in Gor and at places like Kingdom of Sand.  Women who entertain with belly dancing and who use accessories like color changing feather fans, fire fans,  tambourines, and other belly dancing props, which I also create and have available as part of my product line.
Orchids: You are celebrating both “Canada” and “USA” independence days. What do they mean to you? How is it special?
Shica: While I am not from Canada or the USA, I do recognize the national importance of these holidays to SL residents from those nations.  In my quest to respect my clientele from those nations, I have designed some lovely and fun items as part of current hunts in my store.   
Orchids: What special items have you created?
Shica: For the 4th of July Mini Hunt I designed a lovely and strippable silk capturing the colors of the American Flag.  To add to the excitement I've added a festive baton that can be twirled while dancing and for that blast of extra excitement, I've included a scripted firework explosion.
For the Canada Day Mini Hunt, I have done something similar to the 4th of July Mini Hunt, while designing the silk in the colors of the Canadian Flag.         
Orchids: You have organized a hunt in celebration of the days. How did that idea come and what are you offering?
Shica: In order to provide the best in service to my customers, I am always thinking of designs and special promotions that will please their tastes.   The current mini hunts are an example of this and my constant endeavor to satisfy my customers.
Orchids: Do you like organizing events for special days like this?
Shica: I most especially like designing for special promotions.  They tend be the most fun, not just for my customers but for me as a designer.  I love to be playful and design to please and bring a smile to the faces of my customers.
Orchids: Anything else you wish to tell our readers?
Shica: My goals are to raise a smile and help people have fun feeling the passion of Bellydance.

What I personally appreciated about her was this notecard for the hunts:

“If you wish use option area search of your viewer, perhaps could help you this tip:   Find four universal values to learn to live”

The hunt is still on so I can’t reveal the words but they embody all that is the basis of humanity….


Next, for an RL and SL combo special, I talked to Smexxers, for whom these days are very special in SL and more so in RL.

Orchids: Who is Smexxers (smexy.runner)?
Smexxers: I started designing on my first avie in 2007; I had been in SL for a little over a year and felt that the prices were ridiculous for the items that were being offered. I decided to retire that avie in 2011 when I moved back to Canada. I took a 2 yr break from designing and decided to start up again when I jumped on the band wagon and bought the Lola tango mesh breasts. Again my reasoning was the prices for the designers that I consider quality were a little outrageous.

Orchids: You are celebrating the Canada and USA independence days. What do they mean to you? How is it special?
Smexxers: My mother’s side of the family is American and my father’s side is Canadian, I have dual citizenship and have always celebrated both Canada day and July 4th my whole life.
Orchids: What special items have you created?
Smexxers: This year I decided to make a mesh top that can be worn causally with shorts, jeans, capris or even a skirt, they are very versatile. And as with all of my designs they can be worn even if you do not own mesh breasts.
Orchids: Do you like organizing events for special days like this?
Smexxers: I’m a little shy and I usually just make things for events others have organized, lol.



If you are like me, I enjoy seeing the beautiful creations made by our SL community. I could not really believe the realism of these places. I do not need words to describe more.

Lady Liberty

Mount Rushmore

There is definitely loads more to do and this article does not do justice to the numerous events in SL. But it’s a sample of the stuff out there.

If you are in the States have a wonderful, safe 4th of July! And where-ever you are I hope that You Celebrate Each Day in this short wonderful life that we have to the fullest!

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