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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Entrepreneur Earth Nirvana-Charisma Presents the Best Foot Forward Hunt - Press Release

Second Life, July 18, 2013: Having created several successful hunts, to include Casket Sharp, Defining Music, and Mending Hearts, entrepreneur Earth Nirvana-Charisma is gearing up for her next hunt: Best Foot Forward.

The hunt kicks off September 22, 2013, and concludes on October 6, 2013. Although the hunt is nearly two months away, all vendors who wish to participate need to fill out the application and submit to Nirvana-Charisma by July 25, 2013 -- a week from today.

Nirvana-Charisma is addicted to shoes; however, her love of shoes wasn't what motivated her to create the Best Foot Forward Hunt. "I like to think outside the box," Nirvana-Charisma said. "I am a bottom to the top type of person. Who knows what body part I'll feature next!"

Vendors interested in participating in the Best Foot Forward Hunt should think about the theme: it's all about the FEET. Shoes, boots, and socks are obvious items that could be included as hunt items; however, tattoos, toe rings, and pedicure props and poses could also be considered. "Think outside the box and have fun!" Nirvana-Charisma suggests.

All interested vendors should head to Nirvana-Charisma's Be Hunted Blog to fill out the application. To all hunters awaiting the event, the hunt item to look for will be a sock, and hunt items will go for 6L.

Earth Nirvana-Charisma is the founder of NIRVANA PROJECTS, which is comprised of EARTH'S and BE HUNTED. On her Earth's blog, Nirvana-Charisma shares her creations offered at {EB} for male and female avatars, hunts and events she participates in or organize under {BH}, interviews and guest posts, tidbits of life with her wife and kids, and occasionally blurts her sociocultural observations. She's also a book lover and a GTM movie buff.


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