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Monday, June 17, 2013

Total Anarchy Across Second Life-Orchids Zenovka Reporting...

The word "Anarchy" comes from the ancient Greek anarchia, meaning "absence of a leader", "without rulers". There is anarchy now in second life and it comes in the form of  Total Anarchy with its *disclaimer*

Total Anarchy is not your mamma's discount room.  We here @ Total Anarchy can-not wait to create chaos across SL.  Total Anarchy is a discount room you've never seen before.  It is DEFINITELY not for the weak @ heart.  If you tend to get butt hurt this isn't for you.  We are direct, truthful and completely non-politically correct.   You have been WARNED!  We will be bringing you the darker side of SL.  Things for: Goth, Cyberpunk, Tank Girl, Comic, Punk, Werewolf, Vampire, Alternative, Metal, Rockstar, & Biker. Anything chaotic.”

The creations promise to be interesting and are a brainchild of a mix of Julya Lykin, who is the outgoing “tomboy, sexpot with a dash of gothic” and Pixy Snook who is the 'bubble Goth cosmo freak'. It is rare to find a combination like that so varied and yet “twin –like” as Julya says so herself. The website is worth checking out and created with a lot of innovative thought and dark humor. I had a chance to find out more before it opens including the Flickr contest and take a sneak-peek at the discount room with a difference. Take it with a pinch of humour and unleash your rebelliously humourous side because that’s what it takes to fit into “total anarchy”.

Come to the dark side. We have cookies …..

The German philosopher Immanuel Kant treated "Anarchy" in his Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View as consisting of "Law and Freedom without Force". Anarchism is considered to be philosophy which opposes authority in the conduct of human relations.
If you are a rebel and free thinking spirit, you are going to like our interviewee who is a blogger, creator, hunt organizer and my friend in need, “Julya Lykin” immensely. She is a walking mission for the words, “rebel for a good cause” through her work and daringly different blogs and has always paved her own niche. She and Pixy Snook are organizing the “Total Anarchy” discount room round of sales. The inspiration for the room  is based on sharing with everyone when Julya and Pixy found that after looking everywhere they could find nothing for the rebels of SL and also beginner and broke avi’s who have to put up with the 2007 freebies junk.


Orchids: Thank you for this interview. So right off the bat, tell us- What is total anarchy?

Julya Lykin: First off we are COMPLETELY non politically correct here.  This discount room is not for the faint of heart, nor those who get easily butt hurt. We are not focusing on boobie friendly, but you will find it here.  We will be including fashion, accessories, hair, skin, shapes, textures, furniture, house ware goods, shoes, & guy stuff too. Some of the styles include Goth, Cyberpunk, Tank Girl, Comic, Punk, Vampire, Alternative, Metal, Rockstar, and Biker.
Prices are 66L & Below.

Orchids: Who is involved? You have quite a line-up of designers who are known for innovative stuff.

Julya Lykin:  Organizers are Myself and Pixy Snook

First Floor

  • The Little Bat
  • Shame Me Designs
  • PixyStix
  • Tattered
  • Mock Cosmetics
  • Rune Designs

Second Floor

  • Tori's Stylez
  • Angeldust
  • Rotten Defiance
  • Im Capped
  • Dead Falls Designs
  • Dark Water Designs
  • :{MV}:

Orchids : When is it?

Julya Lykin: The room will be open from July 5th through July 17th.  We have all 13 participants this coming up round.
Total Anarchy will be coming @ you July 5th.  Deadline for first round is July 1. Each round will be for 12 days.

Orchids: Where is it?

Julya Lykin: At the “Anarchy” sim

Orchids: What is rebelliously different and special about "total anarchy"?

Julya Lykin: Total Anarchy hits a certain target audience.  We take a no prisoners way of managing it.  We look for the rebels, those who don't conform, & dance to their own beat.  We believe you do not have to be politically correct to run a good business.

Orchids: How did the idea come about?

Julya Lykin: I have a shop @ the same sim as Total Anarchy.  The way it started was the sim owner got a hold of me and asked me to organize an event of some sorts.  Her knowing I'm the organizer for the Dare2Bare hunt she knew I had the skills. 
I have always wanted to do a discount room.  But I wanted to do something different.  There are many discount rooms around, but nothing for the rebels.  So I thought it was the perfect mix. 

Orchids: Who named it and what was the thought process behind the name "total anarchy"?

Julya Lykin: I was talking with a friend of mine Pixy Snook about my idea.  And she went wild about it.  Since the sim was called Anarchy already, we thought why not just call it "Total Anarchy".  Since the discount room covered an array of different genres, but still with a common theme.

Orchids: What is the concept behind the logo?

Julya Lykin: The idea behind the logo was we wanted something grungy.  As if someone came by and spray painted an anarchy sign on the wall.  Then we added the word total in metal to show that it is not only for punks, but for metal junkies too.  The sponsor was put on the bottom like graffiti.


 Orchids: What inspires you to create since the beginning?

Julya Lykin: Looking everywhere for what we wanted and not being able to find it.  Being broke and not putting up with the 2007 freebies junk.  Figuring we weren't the only ones out there with this problem we decided to share with the masses.

 Orchids: What has inspired this line of clothing?

Julya Lykin: The goth, rocker, punk, vampire, and alternative communities are very large in SL.  Although, you do not see many events for them.  And we are unaware of any discount rooms for them.  Plus an inner darkside that needed to be let out.

Orchids: Whose idea was the "Rebel Application"? I honestly loved the “honesty” of it! And had a good laugh with my friends (knowing what a softie you actually are)...
Rebel Application extract:
“Don't forget to add your name & store name to the title BEFORE you send it, otherwise it will be lost in the depths of hell called my inventory. Send the notecard to Julya Lykin.  Once she receives your notecard she will contact you for the payment of 50L.  DO NOT send money before speaking to her, otherwise your assed out.  Once the payment is received you will be given a notecard to be able to set up your section.”

Julya Lykin: It was a collaboration between me and Pixy Snook.  Although my sister, Annabella Noel, threw in her two cents.  We wanted a hard hitting take no BS application.  So people knew exactly where they stood.  We figure if you do not find the humor in the application.  You wouldn't fit into Total Anarchy anyway.  Although, humor or not, we are pretty serious about it.

Orchids: Why the idea of a discount room rather than a regular store?

Julya Lykin: When deciding what to do.  We figured a lot of people are broke these days, so why don't we get some great designers together where they can offer their awesome quality for a price that is more easy on the pocket. AND non traditional. We're so very tired of the every day same old wares being sold shop after shop.

Orchids: How long have you both been creating in SL?

Julya Lykin: I have creating shapes for about 3 years now.  Pixy has been creating for 2 years now.

Orchids:  what is your favorite style of outfitting yourself?

Julya Lykin: Personally I'm more of the urban, tomboy, sexpot with a dash of gothic.   Pixy doesn’t fit into a specific style. While she likes many, she might be rainbow brite one day & Debbie Downer the next. So maybe if she had to label herself she'd be very 'bubble goth cosmo freak'.  Yeah thats her.

Orchids: Are your store creations influenced by the music of Israeli psychedelic trance artist, “Asher Swissa of Skazi”?

Julya Lykin: We have no clue who he is.  We're pretty shallow.  But we googled him though.

Orchids: You are organizing a contest. Would you like to tell our readers about it?

Julya Lykin: This is a Flickr Contest.  Add your pic of something you purchased @ Total Anarchy on the Flickr page.  Best pictures @ the end of a cycle will win the following.
Prize 1: 175L
Prize 2: 100L
Prize 3: 50L
If there is a good turn out the amount will be upped.
Any questions send to Julya Lykin or Pixy Snook via NOTECARD.  Questions via IM will be completely (bleeping) ignored.

Orchids: That’s our girls!

Orchids: What would be your message to the Rebels in SL?

Julya Lykin: Do what makes you happy.  Screw trying to fit into someone else's box. Break it and make your own.
Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?

Orchids: Anything else you wish to say to the readers?

Julya Lykin: If your against the establishment and consider yourself a rebel type.  Come down to Total Anarchy and see the kick ass stuff we have available on July 5th.  Remember damn the man, check out Total Anarchy.

So that’s from the twosome on a mission to spread anarchy through SL. What are your thoughts? Are you a rebel?

 Remember the wise words though... “Come over. The dark side has cookies”…..

Group: secondlife:///app/group/e51e964e-05e7-e81c-c8f8-1728180bd892/about


  1. Go ORCHIDS!
    Iloved this- :DDDD

  2. @Anonymous, Thank you so much ..Deep bow for encouraging me.. :)


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