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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Spotlight on ROMANCE COUTURE; A New Elegant and Classy Collection in Second Life©- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

The Fashion Industry in Second Life is on a constant high. If it wasn’t for designers dressing us up, we’d either be left to our own devices of making our own clothes (which can prove disastrous), or walking around with all our business half hanging out like a bunch of cave people. The fact is clothing helps define our styles and personalities. What you wear can tell a lot about you. For example, if you walk around Second Life in scantily clad attire, one might assume you were a streetwalker making lindens up and down that pole. If you are dressed in business attire, one may think you’re a big ballah', high rollin' in the Lindens.  Meet fashion somewhere in the middle and you create a style just your own. It can be an ensemble created by a mixture of designers or you found that one who really knows what you like. Whatever the case may be when it comes to fashion, work it because you own it and remember there is always room for something new.

Speaking of New, Romance Couture is a new store on the Second Life scene with high fashion designed by Eleseren Brianna. You may or may not have heard of her, it all depends if you have been to Inworldz. *Gasp* yes, I mentioned another virtual world but I am no traitor in the least. I’m celebrating the fact that such great talent and eye for design has decided to come back and bring her collection with her to Second Life. I had the pleasure of interviewing Eles and learning more about her and her collection. Be sure to welcome her back to Second Life by stopping by her store and even picking up an item or two. If you are anything like me and into shiny new things, you will leave with a handful of bags and a smile.

Interview with Eleseren Brianna

Lanai: Hi Eles! Congratulation on your grand opening of Romance Couture! I must say, I went browsing around during the grand opening party and I love that you don’t limit yourself to just clothing, you have accessories and shoes too! What made you decided to come back to Second Life from Inworldz?  Are you still in both or making the full move back over here?

Eles: Moving back to SL was for a variety of reasons.  I grew a lot as a designer in Inworldz, and tried avenues of design I might not have done had I stayed in SL, things such as jewelry and shoes. In Inworldz if it’s not there you have to make it, and that stretched me as a designer.  However as time went on I found myself thinking about SL again and I guess I wanted to bring my designs to the 'big city' of SL and see how I fared here.  It’s a much bigger and more sophisticated and savvy customer base here in SL and there are some truly inspirational designers too.  This feels like a very good and natural move for me at this point.  At present I am deciding what to do about my stores in Inworldz, but will probably focus now on SL.

Lanai: The fashion industry both in Second Life and the real world is a very competitive and a fast paced industry because seasons change and so do trends. Is there a difference in the fashion of SL and that of Inworldz trends?

Eles: Yes and no.  I think of it this way.  Inworldz is a small country town, and SL is the big city.  People want to look stylish wherever they live, but perhaps they go out 'on the town' more in a big city.  The fashions in Inworldz tend perhaps to be more casual on the whole, more 'country'. There is also perhaps more of an emphasis on fantasy and gypsy clothing, particular to specific trends in Inworldz.   It’s a simpler place generally, though there are some good SL formal designers there.

Lanai: I don’t know much about Inworldz but I’m a city girl in RL and IN SL, so that place won’t work for me lol. I’m glad you decided to comeback.  If you can describe your style in 5 words what would they be?
Eles:, timeless, feminine, detailed, sexy-but-ladylike (lol, I know I cheated)

Lanai: LOL, its ok I won’t penalize you. So, where do you draw your inspiration from?

Eles: From a number of sources, as I am sure every designer would say.  There is the real life world of haute couture fashion trends, though I am selective about that as I have my own 'voice'.  I love old style vintage Hollywood glamour, and that certainly has an influence on my work.  As a designer I am also inspired by textures, ones I make and ones I buy, they 'speak' to me in a way, inspiring me with design ideas.  As a real life trained Designer Dressmaker, I also bring my real life knowledge of fabrics to my virtual design work, and sometimes design a style knowing I want it to reflect the qualities of real life Thai silk, or alencon lace or whatever.

Lanai: I love old school Hollywood style too, In fact I just celebrated a rezzday in that theme! Can you tell our readers a little bit about the different items and accessories you create in your collection?

Eles: I design formal gowns, and shorter less formal cocktail and daywear, though I don’t really do casual clothes. There is a great range in my designs, though they all seem to have the Romance Couture stamp somehow. Feminine and elegant, with a touch of sexiness.  Most of my accessories came about because of a lack of it in Inworldz, there is far less to choose from there.  I found I needed to learn to make the things I wanted to accompany my dresses.   They were designed and made to 'finish' outfits and generally I feel that my shoes, and hats, gloves and wraps fit that mold - versatile elegant finishing touches.  The hats are more towards being 'statement pieces' but again in the classic smart English hat mode (I am English). 

 I have discovered I love to make jewelry though, and I think I will take that into more experimental designs as time goes on.

Lanai: I can see your dresses, hats, cloves, wraps and accessories being worn at a fancy horse track event, a formal evening out or even touring old vintage Chicago or Chelsea here in SL. I look forward to seeing what else you come up with. Do you do custom work for that Fashionista that cannot be seen wearing the same item twice or even worse on someone else at the same venue!

Eles: At present I haven't envisaged doing custom work in SL, though I used to do some custom dresses for a couple of performers in Inworldz.  It is something I might consider in the future.
Lanai: Oh nice. I might have to look you up for something unique. I’m into shoes. What type of styles do you create for the footwear fanatics?

Eles: My shoes are meant to be understated and versatile, but also elegant and sophisticated in feel. They are generally high heel 'pump' styles with careful detailing and attention to texture.  I have alligator and snakeskin leather shoes for instance.  My styles don't 'shout' but they add a final 'gloss' to an outfit.  I also don't script my shoes, partly because resize scripts in Inworldz could 'explode' the shoe (not a nice result) but also because I feel an unscripted shoe is low lag.  Models like my shoes for that reason. My shoes are mod so adjustable.

Lanai:  LOL @ exploding shoes in Inworldz. Besides your different styles of elegantly designed fashion and shoes, you also make some really classy pieces of jewelry to go with anything in your store. If I asked you to put together a formal, a casual and a sexy but classy ensemble for me, what combinations would you suggest?

Eles: oo that is fun to think about! Hmm, well for a really formal Gala look I would suggest perhaps my satin Dascha gown, which comes with a dramatic shoulder to waist drape of fortuny pleated organza flowers.  I would pair that with my Windsor range of diamond and gemstone formal jewelry, and the Paris pumps work beautifully with this gown too.  I don't really do casual wear, but my mesh Delphi dress is a soft and feminine summer style, Grecian in feel but with oversized fabric tea roses decorating the waistband.  That would work beautifully with simple sandals, but I would also pair that with my Antoinette kitten heeled mules, which have tiny flowers decorating the front, and the delicate 'Petal' earrings would match beautifully.  Finally my flirty lace and chiffon Salsa Cocktail dress for a sexy but classy look, paired with my Boston pumps, and Murano range of charm jewelry.

Lanai:  Very nice examples. I can tell you pay attention to the little details to bring things together. Some designers like to keep it simple and others go all out with new items. How often do you add to your collection?

Eles: OMG I have to consciously put the brakes on sometimes and slow down.  It depends on how active the muse is of course but I tend to come out with new designs at least monthly and usually much more frequently.  I don't do 'collections' as such, just follow where my inspiration takes me, and what I fancy doing at the time.  Each piece I design takes a lot of work and I can end up a bit of a workaholic if I am not careful.

Lanai: I know all too well what workaholism is lol. What group should readers join to get the latest information about what you have to offer?

Eles: I have a group - Romance Couture - which for the present at least is free to join.  As well as getting news on the latest releases and special offers, becoming a 'Romantic Stylista' enables people to get my range of bargain and exclusive items which I add to regularly.  I also fling regular freebies at my group members too!  If group slots are a problem, I have a subscriber group where I post information about new releases and special offers too.

Lanai: Very nice options you have for members that want to follow you. For the thrifty shoppers on a budget, what is your price range, and do you ever offer any free gifts?

Eles: My prices range between 175L for simple short dresses, up to about 600L for my all out show-stopper Gala formals.  Shoes are 175L, and my hats and other accessories this price or lower.  Jewelry is in the range of 100L to 250L.  My group only items are considerably lower than this, and there is a free dress given upon joining the group.  I do put out freebies from time to time too.

Lanai:  Very nice prices and incentives for members. Sometimes shopping can take all day when avies are looking for quality fashion in Second life with no direction. Do you also have a store on SL Marketplace to help cut down their browse time? If so, are your items able to be sent as gifts? I especially love that when I want to send my friends something new.

Eles: I haven't yet got a store on Marketplace, as my store in SL is brand new, but it is definitely on the 'to do' list.  When I set up my Marketplace store I will definitely offer the giftable versions.  In the meantime if you wish to gift something, IM me and I will help make that possible.

Lanai: before I end my interview, is there anything you would like to share with our readers that I may have missed?

Eles: Simply that I am finding coming back to SL and getting involved in fashion here very exciting, its inspiring me and I intend to keep growing and evolving as a watch this space!

Lanai: Eles, The name Romance Couture itself describes your collection. Your attention to detail speaks class and the way your pieces are put together shows elegance.  Thank you for sharing your designs and Romance Couture with the residents of Second Life. 

Contact Eleseren Brianna

1 comment:

  1. Those are wonderful words I have personally worked for lady Eleseren for 2 years now she has been one of the kindest persons I know. She always takes time with Clients and other designer. her work is top Shelf.
    here is a link to her latest store. It is a wonderful Video.


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