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Sunday, June 23, 2013

Second Life’s Bikers are ready to ride out. Tea Couturier reporting….

When you think of Regent Estates you think of a place where you can go and purchase a bit of paradise to call home. Regent Estates is one of the oldest and most dependable estates in Second Life. Regent Estates keeps on growing and it has been in business since 2006.

However, there is more to Regents Estates than you may think. Regents Estates have a large biking community and sim, which enables motor bike owners to drive freely on the open roads of the sim in peace and to also meet up with other members and hang out with them. The owners of this enterprise are husband and wife team, Melody Regent and Motor Loon. I popped down to the sim and visited Melody and Motor to find out how the idea and passion for bikes turned it into what it is today, a thriving Second Life business and family.

 Tea: Melody, can you tell the SL Enquirer readers a bit about your business in SL and also about the biking community you and your partner have set up in SL?

Melody: We did not set out to build a biker community but after MLCC released its very first bikes, we found there was no suitable place to ride that focused on being lag free and solely dedicated to bikers. We first opened MotorWorld with the intent to keep it for riding only.  No parcels for unneeded scripts or prims.  After 6+ years we still maintain that original dream.  We added other sims for commercial and residential use to allow bikers to live and work in a community just for them.

Tea: Would you say there is a big motor bike community in SL and how do you feel Regent Riders fit into this category? Also what separates Regents Riders group out from the other motor bike groups in SL?

Melody: Regent Riders is nothing more than a land use group.  We are NOT a Motor Club or group of the sort.  Regent Riders was set up to allow people to ride along sims that were considered “private” to the biker community. 

Tea: I saw that you have a membership fee to join the Regent Riders can you say what does the fee provide?

Motor: Although anyone may join, there is a fee that is used to pay for the monthly tier for those sims so we do not have to fill them up with renters to cover tier.  It also cuts down tremendously on lag, griefing and pesky cars! 

Tea: The MLCC seems to have a high number of members what makes the MLCC different to say all other biker products in SL?

Melody: MLCC is always trying to bring something new to the table, and it’s been the doctrine from day one.  “Good enough” was never quite good enough; it’s been Motor’s curse and blessing. Most if not all of Motor’s products were built for himself, meaning  he would not just whip it together and throw in the usual scripts to make it go, ready to make a quick buck. He starts fresh each time, spends far too long thinking things through before even putting anything together.  When many other creators would say “fine, it works now – off to the vendor!”  he’d tend to take 2-3 weeks (or months) more just to fiddle with fine tuning and making sure it had that “feel” he is always chasing. The MLCC customers know this – or hear it from their friends, and it’s probably why over 20,000 bikes, hotrods & boats with the MLCC logo have found happy owners, whom in many cases, even years later, still pull them out as their favorite toys..

Tea: Finally what can we expect from you and Motor in 2013?

Melody: Motor always has projects going on, he’s not exactly quick in anything he does – so things tend to take the time they take but there are quite a few projects at least in the pipeline for release in 2013 – mostly on the marina side, but there may be some motorcycles in the works too. As for our roads, we still plan to make sure the ride is smooth and as enjoyable as possible.  There is a reason so many people have set out to copy our sims and that is because we make sure the BIKER is our focus!

Thank you Melody and Motor.

For further information on biker land:

Link to biker land  

MLCC & Regent Estates headquarters

Group: Regent Riders  1ba1db60-20cb-61ec-a05f-d412226747a8


  1. Laggiest riding sims in the grid and you focus on lowlag over there surrrrrreeee you do bub

    1. maybe you anonymous get rid of some scripts that you might be wearing. Then it works fine


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