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Friday, June 14, 2013

One of Second Life’s Top Performer and Entertainer Mr. Joaquin Gustav - Tea Couturier reporting…

Music in Second Life© is a must and what better way than to un-wind down a busy day or week by either going to a club to listen to a DJ or by going to a live event to listen to a performer sing and perform. However, have you ever wanted to know more about the artist behind the mic to find out how they became a performer and how you can begin performing in Second life, if this is a dream of yours?

Meet Joaquin Gustav

 I could think of no other than Joaquin Gustav to find out how it all began for him and how to start performing in Second Life.
Joaquin Gustav is a Musician, who is a Guitar Player from Buenos Aires, Argentina. His genre of music is Tango, Latin, Smooth Jazz, and South American Music. He is the Winner of Avi Choice Award "Favorite Male Musician” 2012 and his concerts in SL have been performed live by Webcam.

Tea: Hi Joaquin

Joaquin: Hello Tea

Tea: How did you get into the sl music industry? How do the fans support you or help artists such as yourself in sl?

Joaquin : I was working recording  arrangers for a singer on my computer when I started. When people asked me to turn on the voice I didn’t talk, only used my guitar on the SL voice. They asked me to play and after that they taught me to use the search and I contacted Slim Warrion. She bought me an SL guitar and gave me stream instructions, and a gig.  After that, more people asked me to perform.  I have been playing in Second Life since 2007.

Tea: How has the industry in Second Life changed from when you first started out?
Joaquin: I don’t notice big changes, music works the same way, the only change probably is that there are nice albums that can be sold due to the SL technology advancement.

Tea: What do you do in sl when you’re not busy working?

Joaquin: I am very busy in the music industry which can involve me performing 6 concerts a day.

Tea: What tips would you give for any artist wanting to break the sl music industry?
Joaquin: Try performing at different time zone as much you can and use a webcam sometimes. I feel it works well for me and enhances my performance.

Tea: What do you enjoy about performing in SL?
Joaquin: Performing is my real life job so I enjoy all of it, but one good thing about performing in SL is that I don’t need to carry all my stuff home after working.  *smile*

Tea:  What are your plans in sl for the rest of 2013?

Joaquin: To keep playing and performing in sl, to provide more webcam concerts, more  duets and more streaming  video of my real concerts. I am hoping to work on a new Christmas album if time allows me. I am looking forward to that.

Tea: Thank you Joaquin and good luck on the future projects

Joaquin: Why thank you Tea

Additional Information:

You can watch some of Joaquin’s performances at:

Also check the website out for more information

Group name: Joaquin Gustav’s Tango Time  4bcfab65-1d43-2023-c618-ac2b29b30d72

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