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Monday, May 13, 2013

Your Anonymous Comments are being Monitored, So Be Nice!

This goes out to you, "Anonymous" commenter that clearly reads The SL Enquirer and stated,"You call yourself a journalist? Your a joke."   It's "you're" if I wanted to be a real bugger about grammar errors.

Anyway... when you make comments like that, you not only attempt to offend the person providing you with reading material, but the one who does the hiring, editing and publishing of The SL Enquirer. If you really wanted your comment to do some justice, perhaps providing more substantial information to support your statement would have been of some use to us. We encourage constructive criticism because it helps us  provide YOU with better news to read. 

So with that said, didn't  your mother ever tell you if you don't have something nice to say, than don't say anything at all? But since you have enough courage to say how you feel than perhaps you should have signed your name to it rather than shield yourself behind the words anonymous.

 Keep in mind that I am always hiring new writers and would love for you to try out for a position to showcase your skills as well as show you how hard we work to bring you news.

 I am not your mother, but someone had to tell you about yourself...


Lanai Jarrico


  1. OMG LMAO!!!!! I LOVE LANAI!!!!!!!

    1. I thought the whole concept of 'anonymous', was to give ppl the opportunity to speak WITHOUT reprisal. I see this isnt the case at SLE.

  2. Hi Anonymous, you are absolutely right about those who comment anonymously having the opportunity to speak, but I do not agree it should go without reprisal if the content suggest mockery. Any comment on this site can have an opinion from others that do not agree with a random nasty comment that does not provide further explanation or serves only the purpose for bashing. Here at SLE we also have the right to an opinion and to voice it, especially when we are defending our writers against those that hide behind anonymity. It is OK to disagree with me, just be sure to provide more substance to back up rude remarks or comments.

  3. Hear hear Lanai! Anonymity is tantamount to cowardice. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but with that comes the responsibility to be informed about said opinion. Be constructive in your criticism, it can only help us be better with what we do.


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