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Thursday, May 23, 2013

What does Second Life mean to you?

I have an assignment for another publication in Second Life, part of which required me to ask a number of prominent SL residents the question “What does SL mean to you?”  A number of those I asked simply couldn't be bothered to answer me; I suppose they are above answering questions put to them by some wanna be journo.  I have to admit that self-importance in SL is one of my pet peeves; most of us are busy in one way or another, so when push comes to shove our time is all equally valuable (in my opinion of course….)

The rest of those I approached on the other hand were most obliging and numbered among the obliging ones were none other than the SL Enquirer’s intrepid leader, Lanai Jarrico, and Philip Rosedale the founder of Linden Labs and Second Life.

Dear readers I now put this selfsame question to you,  as we gear up for Second Life’s 10th birthday celebrations – What does SL mean to you?

You can reply to me via email – or in IM or notecard inworld or just drop a comment at the bottom of the article.

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