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Monday, May 27, 2013

Weddings Bells Are Ringing- Marriage Advice- Sarahelisabeth Brenham Reporting…

Weddings can be stressful for engaged couples. Does having the "perfect" wedding  seal the deal that the marriage will last? Let's look at this question together.

Temperatures are rising in North America. This phenomenon could only mean one thing: Summer is on its way! The first day of this new season falls in the month of June. Many causes, milestones and holidays are celebrated and acknowledged in that month. While the different types of gatherings and celebrations that are recognized in June, this month has been a popular pick due to its rich history. What kind of celebration do many people plan to have in June? 

Weddings of course!

Weddings can be very stressful to plan. A lot of women, when they were young, started to get an idea on what they wanted their big day to be like. Unfortunately, today’s economy makes it difficult for couples to have their dream wedding. This fact is coupled with the opinions of the loved ones of the duo. Do unions really need to have their ideal big day, in order for them to have a successful marriage?

My answer to this question is no. While many couples would love to have a wedding that captures the visions they had for it, it’s sometimes not feasible. 
Weddings don’t only exist in the Real Life realm, but also in the online one. Why would individuals choose to get married on a virtual platform? It’s not always possible for couples to be together in RL and virtual worlds such as Second Life, allows them to be in a space together, even if it’s online.

Please allow me to introduce you to two couples; one pair who are married and the other two who are engaged in SL. What do both of these unions have In common?
 They both have kept or are keeping their love alive after or during the process in planning their wedding. 

SloaneMarie Resident came into Second Life on June 22nd, 2012. Her SL husband, SaulAlexander Resident and her are together offline. They first met in Real Life when they were young. Mr. Resident’s RL mom introduced them to SL and they have not wanted to leave. Ms. Resident would like to offer this advice to other married couples: “keep your romance alive. Have communication regardless of how you believe the other person will feel with what you have to say. Always be honest and do something like go away once a month for a weekend just the two of you. Do something.

 I guess it all boils down to honesty, keeping communication open and never lose your romance within your relationship.”

They say everything happens for a reason. Well here is one couple who’s happy that they were in the right place at the right time.

One day AthenaDreamer Resident was out island hopping, when she stumbled upon  fallen Lastchance, who was sitting by himself at one of the locations. They began talking and have been together ever since. For those planning their wedding, Ms. Resident has asked for this piece of her wisdom to be shared: “make sure you know your partner and definitely use open communication.”

 While it is great to have a flawless big day, it’s not always possible to do so, but seeing the comments from the two unions above, it’s clear that a dream wedding doesn’t guarantee that a marriage will be good, nor is it really necessary to fret about details; it’s all about the love, commitment and respect that the couples have for each-other.  That is the key ingredient for happiness and longevity in a virtual or real life relationship or marriage.

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