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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The LuvSong Writer: A One-On-One with SL's Rising Star –Aaliyah Munro Reporting…

An accomplished artist with a wide vocal range and plenty of personality to boot, LuvSong Writer seeks to see his name in both virtual and real world lights. 
Swaying to the enchantingly melodic voice of LuvSong Writer, Hamilton Marshall in the real world, one can't help but to wonder why this genuine singer/songwriter hasn't graced the covers of magazines. Entranced, the slew of fans following him from venue to virtual venue finding themselves addicted not only to his vocal command, but his kind and humble presence.

 In an exclusive interview with SLE, we found ourselves also held captive by the talented artist's charm. 

SLE: So LuvSong, can you tell us a little about your talent and what you do around the grid? 

LW: All I do is sing! People find so much to do on here, like killing zombies, being vampires, and more. I'm just like, "I've been on this game for 6 years and barely know how to do gestures!"

SLE: You have an amazing talent, and when I heard you I couldn't help but to wonder- are you looking to make it big in the real world? 

HM: In real life I'm a songwriter. I've been doing this since before I can remember, went to art school for vocal music and dance and have spent the better part of my life working on music. I've had a chance to open for major artists, perform with other artists, even serenaded T-Pain's mom once! My focus right now is getting a new publishing deal. 

SLE: Wow, T-Pain's mom? Awesome! Can you tell us who inspires your art? 

LW: I listen to everything and everyone. I couldn't single out any particular artists, but I can tell you that when I was a kid the one thing I learned to do well was observe my world and the lives of people around me. I'd take the emotions and events I felt or witnessed and turn them into songs.

SLE: Have you or will you perform with others SL musicians from around the grid? 

LW: There are a few artists that I follow here in SL. Too many to name actually, as there is so much talent in SL! A few of my favorites however are Long Pausch and Gravey Jones. Those two in particular are great artists and great friends. I'd definitely work with them! 

SLE: Where can those new to your talent hear you? 

LW: Thanks for asking. Those interested in checking me out can head over to my YouTube channel, preview my work, and subscribe! Pretty much on any social media network you can find me under "SongsByHamilton," and I also post covers on SoundCloud. 

SLE: Is there anything you'd like to leave your fans with?

LW:  Definitely. I want to thank all of you for your support, showing your faces at shows, and on my pages! I spend a lot of time working on my original music and covers and I can't tell you how much I appreciate the subscriptions and shares on YouTube! I'm currently trying to take over the world (shhhh, don't tell anyone), and I'm planning to do it with subscriptions. More than tips or anything else, that's how you can tell me you enjoy what I do! 

You can catch LuvSong Writer performing at various venues around the grid. To keep up with his music, Subscribe and like LuvSong's  real world Facebook page at

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