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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spring Shoes for Men and Women- Tea Couturier Reporting…

 Shoes, Shoes, Shoes! We ladies can never have enough winter spring, summer or autumn footwear.

It is spring again and a good reason to clear out the old and bring in the new.
I decided to look for the best spring shoes for women and thought men should also know what is in this season too.

 My search began at MIMI'S CHOICE. The store gave me a good insight into men's fashion more, as this was an area I was not knowledgeable on with regards to men's shoes.
At the store I discovered two well known brands which I am familiar with such as Gizza and Gabriel but walking around I came across some smart shoes for men by the designer Eponymous Trenchmouth who designs and  owns  the store called Jeepers shoes.

I teleported to the main store to have a better look around and was pleasantly surprised by his creations. A few of the styles caught my eye.

The first ones were Connery and Flyn.  They have perfect casual day to day shoes for hanging with friends at the beach or sailing around the SL oceans on your boat or yacht. They work well with shorts or even trousers.

The Third pair that caught my eye was Colbert. I found these to be smart evening or even work shoes for that busy day at the office or even when you are out for dinner with friends, followed by a bit of dancing.

 I was pleasantly surprised at what I had discovered at Jeepers Shoes for Men.

Contiuing my shoe shopping tour, I decided to teleport to Gizza and Gabriel's store to  have a look at the shoes for men.

Gabriel had only a few men's shoes in store, but at MIMI'S CHOICE I  saw a pair of yachting shoes again which I felt looked really nice not only in the colors Gabriel offered but also in design.

The final stop for men's shoes was Gizza. As I was looking for women shoes also I decided to head home and do Internet shopping also to look for shoes for this spring.
Gizza men’s shoes had  a selection but the only design that caught my eye were the loafers which came in several different colors.

 Overall there were quite a few designs for men this spring to pick from.

However, when compared to women, there is more of a choice.

I decided to go for brand names for women that may not be on the tip of every ladies tongue when they have to say a shoe designer name or brand name. However, I felt these 3 creator’s shoes were amazing.

The first one is by ChloeVida Resident. Her store’s name is .:L e t i c i a  and is only available on marketplace

There were too many for me to choose from but I managed to narrow down one pair I loved; Evena Pumps -  They are spiked red heels that are ready to rock your outfit.
Your purchase also contains: 
- Shoe base
- Alpha
- Skin & Nails HUD

The Second designer I came across was  Shoenique Designs. Again only available on marketplace

One shoe that caught my eye was  **SD** Ashanti White Daisy Platform Stiletto Heels with a RGB hud. They also come in blue denim.

The Hud helps you alter the skin to match your shape, in an instant.  Also any heels with gems can be change to any color you choose, plus you can also have any nail color from the spectrum.

Shoenique Designs give your shoes that unusual extra appeal.

Your purchase includes:  
-Pair of shoes
-Hud to change skin colors/nails/gems (if toe shoes or gems)
-Resizer to fit you perfectly
-Alpha Layer foot
-RGB instructions

 The last  shoe designer that caught my attention was Babette Ultsch, s owns and creates shoes for Kitties Lair store.

This store is available not only in Second Life, but also online 

You can find:
High Heel Sandals with Ankle Strap
* Sculpted Sandals 
* Sculpted Foot and Toes
* Attaches to feet, NO Additional Invisi Prim Required!
 Hence perfect to wear with prim cuffed items like jeans 
* Adjustments through HUD
* 5 Base Skin Textures For The Foot (incl. greyscale skin)
* Fine Adjust via hue/lum, r,g,b or chat input To Exactly Match The Tone Of Your Skin
* 15 Nail Colors
* Gold/Silver Trim, Toe Ring On/Off
* Resize Dialog Feature
2 Versions included: with alpha, with invisi-prim 

*Use alpha version in all viewers 2.0 and up

Happy Shoe Shopping! 

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