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Monday, May 13, 2013

Here Comes The Bride-Maker: Spotlight On Savanna Banx, Owner Of A Private Affair-Mackenzie Abbot Reporting...

Savanna Banx is a woman on a mission; to make the biggest day of one’s life as smooth and memorable as possible.  As owner of A Private Affair, her business is ensuring that marriages, unions and hand joining are a day to remember forever.  I went along to her offices on Spring Island to find out more about one woman’s vision of the wedding business.  We meet in reception and she is very welcoming.  I start by asking why she set up A Private Affair.

Savanna: I had a custom wedding here in SL and it seemed too hard, expensive and stressful. I just thought as a virtual world this should be easier. So, I came up with the idea of opening a elopement wedding business and met with a scripter to have a script written to handle it as an auto officiant and couple could come when they wanted. That worked perfect and I decided to also offer live officiants which works for those couples wanting that. 

Mackenzie: So do people prefer the “do it yourself” style of wedding or the traditional one with an officiant?

S: They like the idea of coming here alone and tying the knot and by far I have more that use the auto services.

M: And do you cater for all religions and ethnic groups here?

S: Yes, we welcome all here and our auto ceremony is not geared to religion but to love and becoming one as a couple. If a couple wants a live officiant, of course, we can offer whatever type they need. We have had gay couples, animal couples, vampires, threesomes.... almost anything you can imagine. We welcome everyone here and do our best to make it a wonderful experience for them.

 "Photo courtesy: 
Savanna Snaps/Mackenzie Abbot"

M: Taking a look around here, you seem to offer the complete package for the special day, from photography to a range of venues, what other services do you offer?

S: We have six venues now to choose from and those change periodically with the seasons. I do offer the photography services; that side of the business is called Savanna Snaps for those who want a photo package or for profile pictures, etc. We have a limited but nice supply of wedding gowns, rings, bouquets and even your own gazebo package to purchase in the office.

M: Now I have to declare an interest here, I got married to my goddess here in one of the venues, do you find people favor one venue more than others?

S: That is a good question and the answer seems to be seasonal. For quite a while I had couples prefer Secret Rain Forest. That was confusing to me because it is not my favorite but it is full of nature and has rabbits and deer and a babbling stream and I guess a lot of couples just love nature and it fit their needs. During this past winter we had most of our weddings in Winter Romance, which is beautiful but most definitely a cold setting. Waterfall Whispers and Sunset Garden are always popular. Waterfall Whispers is the only beach setting with a waterfall in the background and the seagull and nature sounds there are very special. Seems Sunset Garden is one used when couples bring a lot of guests. For some, who are very religious St. Luna Chapel is the only one that will suit their needs.

M: So what next for Savanna Banx, what's in store for the future? Do you see yourself expanding?

S:  I have had this business now for a year and a half and it is something that I truly enjoy. I will continue to run it as I have and look forward to meeting the couples. It is very rewarding to me to spend time with them during this happy time in their lives. I am in the process now of expanding Savanna Snaps Photography and have added a private studio here for that.

 "Photo courtesy: 
Savanna Snaps/Mackenzie Abbot"

As the sun sets over Spring Island, we part company and she continues with her daily business.  She seems content, knowing that she is the provider of true happiness to many.  It's not hard to see why she loves the wedding business and all it entails.  Many couples have passed through the huge glass doors at A Private Affair and, no doubt, many more will continue to do so.  It only takes an hour or so to seal two hearts together forever, and there seems to be no better place to do it than at A Private Affair.

 A Private Affair can be found at Spring Island 


  1. You call yourself a journalist? Your a joke.

  2. Oh Dear....That wasn't a very nice thing to say Anonymous.... Can you elaborate on that please?

  3. As the author of the article, allow me to have my right of reply. (Everything i say from now on are my own views and not necessarily those of the SL Enquirer and its staff)

    First, no, i don't call myself a journalist. I call myself a contributor.

    Second, while I aim to provide the best possible article, it's not always to everyone's tastes. Trolling and calling people a "joke" isn't the worst possible reaction I've had to something I've written, and I'm all for criticism. However, being a coward and hiding behind anonymity isn't the way to get your point across. By all means, critique my work, fill your boots up my friend! But at least tell me why you dislike the article. That way, i can construct my next article in such a way that it meets your obviously high standards. If, in the future, any of my articles are not up to scratch, by all means IM my boss, Lanai Jerrico, or myself and feel free to tell us what is wrong.

  4. Which one of us didn't have coffee this morning? lol

  5. As the owner of A Private Affair Weddings I appreciate the article and feel honored to have been highlighted. The negative comment certainly is not my view at all. The article covered my services and Mackenzie did a fantastic job and was very professional! I look forward to a long relationship with SL Enquirer. Thank you very much!

  6. Great article, very informational & professional. I look forward to having my wedding day at A Private Affair in one of the beautiful venues that is offered!

  7. The guys not a journalist, he's a player of Second Life who pretends to write for a newspaper which is, in fact, a bloody good blog. I think he mentions that in his other article. I think his article is very good, not expertly written, but i'm sure he'll say that himself.

    Now as far as I can see, the person he interviewed likes it, his editor likes it, who cares what you think? Don't like it? stop reading, nobody will miss you. The door's over there, don't let it hit your ass on the way out, goodby and don't forget to not write...

  8. A very informative and easy to read article. You really couldn't ask for much more. Who, What, Where, Why and How. I am very familiar with A Private Affair Weddings and you will not find a more professionally run operation. She will cater to all your needs and deliver an event free of stress. Savanna Snaps Photography is unrivaled in quality and value. Keep up the good work everyone.


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