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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

THE GENTRY CLOTHING STORE- Interview with Sheen Revnik- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Fashion is a big deal in Second Life. You can find a variety of styles created by designers across the grid. 

What is unique about every store is each creator has their own fashion sense put into each piece they create. They draw creativity from the current fashion trends in magazines and down the trendy runways around the world. If there is one thing that most avatars like to do, it is shop. Whether you are a person that wants to mimic your real life style or try on things you wouldn’t normally wear, In Second life there is something for everyone. Sheen Revnik is a fashion designer. His creations include a variety for both men and women.  

From formal and casual wear to sexy, western themed and accessories to match; he has your shopping trip covered at Gentry Clothing Store.

Interview with Sheen Revnik

Lanai: Hi Sheen, before we get started on what Gentry Clothing Store has to offer, I wanted to get to know a little about you. One of my favorite questions to ask is what brought you to Second Life?

Sheen: I’ve always been interested in computers, CGI and creative aspects of both and when I hear of a virtual world that you could create your own world, building, clothes…virtually anything, I had to see and be a part of it.

Lanai: I’m glad you decided to join the SL community and share your creativity .Would you say Second Life is an extension of your real life or a creative outlet for you as a past time?

Sheen: Well it’s definitely a creative outlet. And as I got to know a lot of the quality people here, it has become an extension of my real life.

Lanai: I agree. How would you describe your style?

Sheen: I started creating clothes, because I wanted to wear clothes I would and do wear in RL. I like the designers like Tommy Hilfiger, Gucci, Christian Dior, Ralph Lauren, Giorgio Armani, Versace and others, they have an influence on me. But I like my own style of a modern west flavor, city life and casual.

Lanai: Ooo Nice choice of designers. Who would you say is your biggest influence in both SL and RL?

Sheen: For SL, I was inspired by Looloo Beck of Gothic Designs because she’s so prolific,  and in RL I would say Salvador Dali because I love how he mastered the dream world of Surrealism.

Lanai:  Indeed, Salvador was an interesting painter that had a unique surreal style. When you aren’t designing fashion, what other activities do you like to do in Second Life?

Sheen: I own several yachts. I love to sail and power boat in SL. I also have a collection of automobiles, so I like to drive them and collect them. And I like to visit all over SL and get to know people from all walks of life and countries.

Lanai:  Nice, it sounds like you have that need for speed. Fashion seems to be your fix. What inspired you to become a designer?

Sheen: In RL I am an artist, and as I mentioned earlier, I wanted to have and wear good looking clothing, like RL designers provide and I couldn’t find any, so I started making clothes that I would like to have and wear.

Lanai: I have to say you have a classy style. Can you share a little bit about the process of clothing design in Second Life?

Sheen: Well it depends on what you are doing. I start with simple templates, than if I like the look of what develops, I start adding the details. Details are important, the more you add, the better and more real it looks on the Avatars. My clients appreciate that and let me know all the time.

Lanai:  Feedback is always a great motivator in creativity. When I took a tour of The Gentry Clothing Store I noticed you have Mesh. It seems to be popular to many, yet some people cannot see or use it. For those that are not too familiar with it, can you describe the difference between that and the standard clothing seen across the grid. 

Sheen: In the beginning, like all new things, there were issues with it. But the introduction of the Mesh Alpha layers and  rigging changed all that and Mesh is allowing the designers to create outfits that the prim and texture methods won’t allow. When you design with textures, you are limited and constrained by the distortion and limitations of the Avatar. Mesh overcomes most of that and opens the door with few limitations. So I say to the lovers of SL, give mesh a second chance, start small and get the updated viewers. Very few people like change, but as we know, when it comes to computers, change is usually good. So get the new viewers, you’ll adapt and eventually get use to it and it opens so much more in a lot of ways…it improves your SL experience.

Lanai: I use the Singularity viewer and  I’m glad I finally got into mesh after a friend kept telling me I had to try it. What other type of viewers can avies use?

Sheen: Simple V3. Get Second Life’s newest viewer and in a few hours of use, you’ll open up possibilities and improve your experience.

Lanai: Fashion is big business here in Second Life, can you tell me what has been the most challenging when coming up with new concepts in this competitive industry?

Sheen: I just go with what I see in RL to some degree, and bring it here, and at the same time, while working with the limitations of SL, keep trying to make it more real, more detailed and better.

Lanai: What has been the most rewarding about designing your clothing?

Sheen:I would say the pleased clients. I get messages telling me how much they appreciate my style and quality. Some own everything I make, both men and women.

Lanai:  That must be a great feeling. What do you see as the most popular trends this season?

Sheen: Well I don’t do Grunge, but I see it’s popularity. Leather is doing well, so I’ve created some new leather outfits. Leather is always strong, but more casual looking leather outfits and more casual clothes in general with multiple layers. Matching outfits, head to toe is big now as well.

Lanai:  I agree, I love to purchase complete outfits. It save me time trying to accessorize on my own. What kinds of trends are in your collection?

Sheen: Leather and Casual Dress. Classy sexy is there and sells well.

Lanai: How often do you load your racks with new items?

Sheen: Usually I add a new outfit each week, sometimes 2 or 3.

Lanai: What is your price range?

Sheen: from $90 to $900. I believe my clothes have the detail and design of outfits and lines that charge much more, but I want to make mine affordable.

Lanai:  That’s an affordable range for your collection. Do you currently have any sales?
Sheen: I have sales every week and specials too.

Lanai: Every avid fashion shopper loves a good sale. What group can residents join to keep up with Gentry Clothing and your deals?

Sheen: “The Gentry” I give a free outfit or accessories each month.

Lanai: Nice incentive. Are you looking for models for your clothing?

Sheen: I use to do models, I don’t any more. I like to control everything and the convenience of how I do it.

Lanai: Do you have any job opportunities for residents interested in retail?

Sheen: I would like to find some start up designers that may want to work with me.

Lanai: Do you have any upcoming events?

In the summer we have concerts at the store, and I have a night club across from it. So we like to through a party for everyone.

Lanai: What advice would you give to new residents looking to spruce up their avatar?

Sheen: Stop wasting money on clothes you will eventually leave behind as your taste and knowledge grow. And for men, don’t forget the adage: “Every girl likes a sharp dressed man.” You may spend a little more for clothes like mine, but in the long run, you’re going to go there eventually anyway, so don’t waste your money, buy the good stuff right away. Don’t be cheap, because then you look cheap. Dress well, present yourself well, and others will admire you more. I love to see well dressed women, and accessorized, I admire that immensely.

Lanai:  I have to agree with you about every girl liking a sharp dressed man, I know I do. Sheen, thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself and The Gentry Clothing Store.  BTW thank you for the great suede boots, I’ve got a pair very similar in real life! I wish you well in Second Life and your future creations. It was a pleasure to meet you.

 Contact: Sheen Revnik, Sweets Solo, Pheerox Resident

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