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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Spotlight on JudiLynn India; a Real World Painter, Owner and Curator at Center Ground Gallery of Arts in Second Life- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Art is an expression of human creativity. All a person needs is skills and an imagination.  It is used for self expression, an escape from everyday stresses and even works as a form of therapy. Art comes in many different mediums from sculpting, drawing and painting to photography, graphic design and assemblage.

Style can be contemporary, abstract, modern, realistic or a combination of all.  With the rapid growth of technology, art can be taken to new levels and shared with people from all over the world. Second Life is the perfect platform for showcasing art and interacting with fans. Artists from any genre can create artwork, upload images into Second Life, put their work in a virtual gallery or participate in art shows across the grid. Artists can also sell their work to virtual world resident to hang on their walls in their virtual homes or offices or even in the real world with the use of websites and e-commerce.

Judi Lynn is known in Second Life as JudiLynn India. She is a real world painter from Philadelphia, currently living in Georgia that uses the virtual world to share her talent with others.  Her love of art goes as far back as she could remember. While other little girls played with their dolls, Judilynn found her muse at an easel.  Growing up, her education always included art. She was enrolled in Saturday classes and special projects through high school and into college where she studied Graphic Design at Tyler School of Art/Temple University. Her mediums are traditional acrylic and digital Paintings as well as digital acrylics. Her use of vibrant colors and earth tones provide a balance of lively and warm ambiance with a calming effect. Combined with an intriguing array of forms and shapes, her pieces capture the imagination.

Meet JudiLynn India

Lanai: Hi JudiLynn, it is a pleasure to talk to you about what you do both in the real world and the virtual one. I’d love to start off my asking what brought you to Second Life?

JudiLynn:  Hi Lanai and thank you so much for talking with me!  In 2009, while surfing the web, I came across a special interest news article about an artist who brought his work into a place called Second Life and began networking with other artists and showing his work. It talked about how it influenced his success as an artist in real life. I knew then, that I'd have to join the fun! I stepped into SL, virtual canvases in tow, in July of 2009.

Lanai: for beginners, it takes a little time to learn how to do things and realize just how this virtual world can be used as an extension of real life. What was your first impression when you landed on the grid?

JudiLynn: I was wide-eyed and excited!  I've been a fan of 3D animation and virtual reality since the 80s. To land in Second Life was a dream realized for me. I'm a bit of a geek, so it didn't take me long to teach myself how to shape a prim and apply textures. I also had some guidance from friendly newbie helpers. I really appreciated their generosity. Within the first month, I'd rented a small shop and set up my first exhibit.

Lanai: So who is JudiLynn India? If you can describe your style in 5 words, what would they be?

JudiLynn: Quiet storm.  Passionate, expressive, eccentric.

Lanai: Who has inspired you up to this point in your life?

JudiLynn: My first inspiration was my mother. It's always been instinctual for me to draw, to create. My mother has always accommodated my artistic ventures. My favorite painters growing up were Norman Rockwell, Vincent VanGogh, Claude Monet, and my father who was a sign painter and portrait artist.

Lanai: That’s great that your mother embraced your creativity and nurtured it. You also made some great choices in artists; the ones you mentioned have a distinct style. I like Claude Monet too, he was a great impressionist and Norman Rockwell’s style of capturing the American culture is very unique. My favorite painting from Van Gogh is Starry Night. He also had a famous quote, “The way to know life is to love many things” What is your favorite quote?

JudiLynn: “Art brushes away the dust of everyday life.” – Picasso.  It truly does. When I'm creating, I escape reality for a while. Those magic sparks of creativity override everything else.

Lanai: I can understand that. Writing does the same for me. So, what are your goals in Second Life?

JudiLynn: Wow. I've actually exceeded my original goals. I only wanted to meet other artists and show my work around the grid. Today, I'm doing just that and managing a gallery that hosts other artists as well. I think moving forward; I'd like to include more building. I love architecture. I was inspired by two good friends who are custom builders in SL. I enjoyed designing and building the first and latest Center Ground Gallery.

Lanai: That’s sounds like a fun new goal. The architecture here in SL is so creative. About your avatar, how similar are you to your Avie? Are there any differences?

JudiLynn: LOL! I'd love to say I look exactly like my avatar! But she is me if I lived in the gym. lol Otherwise, she dresses according to my taste and style. I am a natural woman who literally sits on her (dread)locs.  If I ever find a custom stylist in SL, Judilynn will wear them too!  Spiritually, Judilynn India is completely me. I do and say with her what I would do and say in the offline world – except fly.

Lanai: Omg if we could fly! Can you imagine that! lol I like your candid honesty. If you are interested, I do know a very good custom avatar creator that may be able to help you.  Now on to your art! Where do you draw your inspiration from when creating your paintings?

JudiLynn: Sometimes my paintings are a reflection of my current mood.  I choose the colors that go into them when I approach the canvas. I like to work intuitively. Sometimes, they are inspired by natural textures or a group of tree limbs noticed as I drive. There are also compositions that were literally “given” to me while doing completely unrelated activities. So I can securely say that many paintings are born of the spirit.

The Garden

Lanai: I like that and can see it in your paintings. I particularly was drawn to your painting “The Garden.” I can almost see faces in it in all directions. It is a great piece. It also looks like it took you a while with all the details and colors. How long does it take to create an average traditional painting? What about digitally?

JudiLynn: A traditional acrylic painting can take anywhere from a few days to a few months, depending on the processes used, other materials added, or the way the painting develops. I invent a painting layer by layer.
Digital paintings use a very similar process, but without the “drying time”. So they can take several hours or several days.

Lanai: Which do you prefer?

JudiLynn: I really have no preference between wet paint and digital. I love both. Wet paint gives the satisfaction of “playing” with paint and other mixed materials and watching what happens.  Digital painting pretty much gives me the same thing, experimenting with how much I can manipulate an original painting or seeing what textures I can realistically create from scratch. All of it is experimentation and discovery.

Lanai: Have you done any Art exhibition in the real world?

JudiLynn: Aside from my college days, I have not yet exhibited in a real world exhibit. I and three other very talented local artists are currently working on putting together a show sometime this coming year. With funding, we plan on it being a success!  I have also been invited to show in a local library. That is still in development as well.

Lanai:  I wish you well with creating RL shows. You are very talented and I’m sure your work will draw a crowd. Do you currently have anything showcased in Galleries?

JudiLynn: In virtual galleries, yes. But not yet brick and mortar galleries.

Lanai: in Second Life, you are an artist and Curator. Can you tell me about Center Ground Gallery of Arts and what your job is?

JudiLynn: In late 2011, I had a conversation with Luchenpur Darwin of the Center Ground Group during which I mentioned how much I missed having a gallery on a previous private sim. He invited me to erect a gallery on Center Ground property. The Center Ground Gallery of Art opened its doors on January 4, 2012.  The focus of the gallery is on real world artists, both wet paint and digital. Currently, we only show 2D artwork but I'm considering real world 3D sculptors for the future, as well.

Lanai: That was very nice of Luchenpur.  I’ve been to Center Ground Gallery to see your work. I think it would be nice to see an addition of sculptures. I too am an artist but shuuu don’t tell anyone. Lol Sculpting is something and spent many years doing and even selling my work in the real world.  Anyway, back to you. What do you find the most interesting about showcasing your work in Second Life?  Can you imagine how different it is in the real world?

JudiLynn: Though I haven't yet exhibited in the real world, I do know the mechanics of it. Putting together a show in SL cannot be easier! No crew to hire to hang the artwork. No muss, little fuss. I like the fact that the environment can be far more flexible than in the real world. I visited a gallery recently that had transparent upper floors. You held your breath as you took a step toward the artwork from the landing. Try that in the real world!

Lanai: No thank you! Heights and glass floors aren’t my favorite. LoL
 Do you find using Second Life, helps you in the real world?

JudiLynn: Second Life has been a great motivator. I've met and chatted with many artists from around the world, both hobbyist and professional. We've shared experiences and technique, tips and ideas.  Second Life has also been a great marketing research tool for me. As I create and share my work in SL, I take notes on the reactions and reception of the viewers.  I am also able to link my real world website to SL for those who want to collect my prints for their real homes or offices. And when I'm invited to exhibit in SL, it pushes me to create new artwork. It keeps me moving!

Lanai: I agree, SL is an excellent tool for marketing and a great motivator of expression.  Do you have any upcoming events?

JudiLynn: I will be exhibiting soon at the galleries of Aneli Abeyante and Kelly Yap, dates and times to be announced.  At Center Ground, we are always thinking of fun events to bring art lovers out to the gallery each month to enjoy good music and the wonderful artwork of our six guest artists. Currently, we're showcasing the work of Waltkeys Faith, Layachi Ihnen, Ohsoleomio, Miles Barbasz, Jeanvince Admiral and Xirana Oximoxi.

Lanai: Oh Nice, please keep me posted! For those interested in collecting fine art in SL. Can anyone purchase your work?

JudiLynn:  Yes! My work is available at all of my locations in Second Life for virtual enjoyment and real world prints are available at

Lanai: What group can avatars join to stay up to date about your work and events?
JudiLynn: My group is “The Art of JudiLynn”.  All events are announced through this group, the Center Ground Group and other art related groups in SL.

Lanai: What advice would you give new artists that want to use Second Life to promote their work?

JudiLynn: I advise new artists to jump in with both feet, paint brushes blazing! Don't wait for someone to invite you – set up your own spot!  You don't even need to have a premium account. Just rent a good space near other thriving businesses with good traffic. There are even sims set up for artist galleries. Join all the art groups you can. Talk about your work all the time. You are your best marketing! Be creative in all that you do...even your avatar. And network. Visit galleries and creative sims, chat up other artists and find out who's who and what's going on. There is a lot of opportunity in SL for artists to show their work. You never know who you'll meet. Keep it fresh, have fun – and visit me at Center Ground Gallery of Art. I'd love to see what you're doing. :D

Center Ground Gallery

Join the Center Ground Group in SL for the latest information about upcoming Art Exhibitions and Events.

Additional Information
Twitter: judilynnart

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