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Monday, April 8, 2013

Spotlight on Club QQ TnT Greedy Greedy Friendly Gaming Hang Out- Vapor paragorn Reporting…

Club QQ TnT Greedy Greedy Friendly Gaming Hang Out

"QQ TnT Greedy Greedy" is a gaming hangout spanned over almost 3/4th of a sim. It features multiple games, a club, rides and shopping areas. The landing area of sim is located near gaming section. While entering the place you will be welcomed by dozens of neatly arranged game tables. These game tables mainly include most populate dice game in SL, "Greedy". These all are free play tables with different themes and greedy game settings per table. In other games include skippo, on the roll, Can't stop, chess and many more. This place also features free bowling lanes and a jackpot greedy tables section. The gaming area is designed with a green grass floor surrounded by walls. This gives the place pleasantly open and vast look and feel, like a park. The most amazing thing about this place is you will almost always find someone here to play a game of your interest with. It's a busy hangout. You can also ask for players in their group, and someone is always willing to play with you. You can never be bored here with so many gaming options, willing players and friendly atmosphere. If you like table games in SL, particularly greedy, then this place is heaven for you. It is also good place to find new friends. 

 I talked to the owner Dingo Darbyshire to learn more about this fascinating hangout.

Interview with Dingo

Dingo Darbyshire

Vapor: Firstly thanks for giving us your time. And secondly please tell us, How you conceived the idea of this place?
Dingo: TNT has been around since 2007... it was conceived by former owners Tag Sandalwood and Paully Placebo. They moved the club on to the sim I already had a night club and other attractions. In March 2012, Tag, who has a lifetime illness in real life, became so poorly, he felt he could no longer run the club as he had been able to in the past, and so decided he would look for someone else to take on the club commitments. I loved the place, and did not want to see it die, so I agreed to take over the running costs of the club, and keep Tag and Paully on as managers.

Vapor: I would like to know, what QQ and TnT means in the name of this place?
Dingo: Good questions! TnT was named after the dynamite, so I am told. QQ... comes from my franchise of entertainment ventures and originally came from the name of the sim I first set up my night club. At TnT, we all had a discussion on the name QQ... and I asked for suggestions. And Paully suggested Quirkily Quaint, which I very much liked, and nicely sums up my approach to my ventures here in SL.

Vapor: Tell me about your vision and aim?
Dingo: TnT is here to stay, for as long SL remains. In recent months the club was relocated from its own sim, where it suffered lag issues before, which are now greatly reduced. I continue to look at new games out there, and popular ones I bring to the club. Membership of the club continues to grow apace. We have Over 100 new members every month taking total membership to over 2,500. People enjoy the combination of games and friendly chat, and that is precisely how it should be. It is lovely to see old friends regularly playing there, and seeing new faces how then become regulars at TnT. I hope our friendliness is our strongest feature that makes people enjoy playing here.

Vapor paragorn

Vapor: Please briefly tell SLE about gaming and all the other entertainment facilities your place provide?
Dingo: TnT is predominately a Greedy Greedy games club with 10 free play tables and 5 jackpot tables. Skippo is also very popular, so we have 3 4-player tables and 3 8-player tables out. We also have Can't Stop, En Garde, Parcheesi, Backgammon, Spades, On-A-Roll, Gin Rummy, Whist, Yahtzee, Simopolis, Triumph, Corsair and Una tables... all popular and adds variety to the game playing experience and caters for all tastes. The wider Club QQ franchise includes a Night Club, Ice Skating Rink, Public Swimming Pool, Cinema, Circus themed Bumper Cars, Children's Playground, and a really cool railway system with three trains that gives you a tour of the whole sim in around 8 minutes. A truly cool ride though I do say so myself (just a big kid at heart).

Vapor: Why is Greedy game is so dominating here? Is it your personal favorite too?
Dingo: I  Greedy. I love playing for fun. I love playing on the jackpot tables too. I like to win, but that is not paramount. I love the social aspect of the game, and truly enjoy playing with friends. It is a truly great game, with many spin-offs based on it, and as they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Vapor: Is this place your passion or business or both?
Dingo: (Laughed) definitely a passion. Anyone who tries to run a business in SL knows it is very hard to make any money here, and I am way too lazy to work hard (that alas is for my RL!). So, SL is my relaxation place, and I am very happy to have the sim just to relax in with friends, play and chat. It is the savior of my sanity!

Vapor: What inspires you to maintain a free gaming hangout for people? Where do you bare most of its expense and provide it free to all?
Dingo: I love my sim. A sim should not just be for a few select people, but open for all to enjoy. This is the very culture of SL. I have visited so very many beautiful places in SL... all free, and all have given me so much pleasure. If in some small way my sim gives other people pleasure, then that is its own reward for me.
Dingo Darbyshire
Vapor: Please tell me about gaming, the prizes and all other events you have here?
Dingo: All the (15) Greedy tables have score keepers which are reset monthly. I like to distribute a newsletter each month listing the top player and score at each table. These people each win L$100. To make it fair and produce 15 individual winners, if the same name appears at the top of two or more tables, then the runner up on that table is listed instead. Anyone achieving the top spot on two or more tables, gets special mention and is invited to play a sponsored (free) game at the L$500 jackpot table as reward. We also run a sexy sixes competition. Anyone shaking six of any numbered dice and takes a picture of this event and sends it to me, it gets featured in the newsletter and again wins L$100. People have expressed interest in tournaments, so over Easter we held our first Greedy and Skippo tournament, which was a great success and feedback from the competitors has been good, so we shall be holding more of these in future.

Vapor: Do you feel you have competitors in this business of providing people gaming facilities?
Dingo: SL is a huge place. There are many gaming sites. I believe most try to run a profit, so, maybe I am a little more unique in that TnT is not run for trying to make a profit.

Vapor: And do you feel competition with them?
Dingo: I repeat SL is a huge place. I have no problem with people having a choice of places to play at. TnT is very popular, and as I said earlier group membership grows daily. I only view dimly any other gaming site that tries to lure TnT players across posting in TnT's group chat. Otherwise, I am happy for people to play where they are happiest.
Dingo Darbyshire
Vapor: Your place is one of busiest gaming hangouts over grid. It's on top of lists as per traffic and popularity. What's the secret behind your success?
Dingo: I like to think that we encourage friendly games. Many people make new friends at TnT, even romances, though obviously we cannot guarantee that service folks. I have said before that I am lazy, so, perhaps this causes me to take a more "back seat" approach to running the place. I have an excellent selection of hosts that regularly play at the sim. I truly appreciate all the work they do. The whole package seems to work, and people like.

Vapor: In your opinion, what brings most people to your place? Is it because it's free or you are very generous with giving prizes regularly?
Dingo: Actually, I like to think it is because people like playing the games with friends... it is so nice to see regulars turn up and play at the same tables as groups of friends. Make me feel warm inside when people use this place as a hang out. I don't think L$100 turns many heads now, does it? (Laughed)

Vapor: Is it easy managing a place this popular and busy? Also what are the common challenges that you face?
Dingo: Everything is easy... until you meet some people that do not want to "play nice". So, dealing with these people can be tiresome, but, I repeat, I have an excellent complement of hosts who do an exemplary job, and fortunately incidents are few and far between. We promote friendly games.

Vapor: Tell us about your staff and/or someone else you would like to name, who help keep your place up and running?
Dingo: My ace team? Tag and Paully as manger, and my lovely hosts (in no particular order) Daisy, Shu-B-Doo-B-Doooo, Hoffy, T'ing, Lexii and Brea. All I appreciate more than they will ever know, and all do such a good job and enjoy playing at TnT.

Vapor: What future plans do you have for your Place?
Dingo: To keep it running forever and ever. Add more games when popular one are developed. Be less of a lazy DJ and maybe hold more events at the night club rather just the one on Fridays! (Laughed)

Vapor: Would you like to give any tips to new clubs & hangouts owners in view of your experience?
Dingo: Goodness... that's a hard one. Everything I have done I have done with the love of "building". I constantly tell people I "tinker" in my spare time online. To do what I have done and make money? I do not know that answer myself. To do what I have done? Be prepared to have a substantial weekly/monthly budget to keep the sim running and get yourself a good reputation and allow others to spread the good word.

Vapor: Any message for SLE readers?
Dingo: Allow SL to be your relaxation place, let it de-stress you, leave drama at the door when you enter. There is nothing finer than playing and chatting with friends, and at TnT, you have a wonderful place to hang out and relax. Be nice to one another, good luck with every game you play.  Take care.

Venue Details
Venue Name : Club QQ TnT Greedy Greedy Gaming Club
Venue Owner : Dingo Darbyshire

Sim Type : Estate Full Region
Sim Rating : Moderate
The ::TNT:: Greedy Greedy Club group is free to join.

You can join Group by pasting & clicking following link in Chat history

Club QQ TnT Greddy Greedy Friendly Gaming Hang Out


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