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Friday, April 5, 2013

Make Way for a New venue on the Grid with Integrity: Club Cassiopeia -Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

 Entertainment in Second Life can be found in a number of ways. It depends on the resident’s idea of fun and the places that provide an atmosphere that suits their mood. 

Venues are popular places to visit alone or with a group of friends. It is also a great place to socialize with others and meet new people to add to your list. There are many locations across the grid, each with their own style, themes, contests, staff and live entertainment.  

DJ’s and musicians provide the music and hosts greet visitors with a warm welcome. Most venues have a group that guests can join. These groups are a great way to be notified of other parties and special events they offer. Using Second Life’s event guide can be very helpful when looking for something to do. They provide residents a way to find a variety of activities happening at any given time.

On April 4, 2013 from 10 am to 1pm SLT, Club Cassiopeia celebrated their grand opening and the turnout was amazing. The music genre was mixed and upbeat, delivered hot and spicy by DJ Duh Ghost.  The club’s name is interesting.  According to Wikipedia, (2013) Cassiopeia is a constellation in the northern sky and named after a queen in Greek mythology who boasted about her unrivalled beauty. It certainly describes this club and atmosphere.

 VIPs and newcomers filled the dance floor as they socialized and danced.  Across the room, Club Cassiopeia’s owner jbowe could be seen mixing and mingling with the crowd. I can tell they put a lot of effort in providing entertainment for everyone as I stood by the bar observing the activity. I was pleased to see such a successful event.

I met up with Club Cassiopeia’s team after the party for an on the spot interview to learn more about the club, their secret for success and what separated them from other venues in Second Life.

Our interview started in the club where I received a random 200 lindens. Wondering what I did to deserve such a gesture of generosity, I messaged jbowe to ask what that was all about. What he said was kind, impressive and inspired me to feature his club to learn more about his objective. He introduced me to Duh Ghost, the clubs manager and DJ for the evening and they gave me a tour.

The club is huge! Not only do they offer a venue with all the bells and whistles, but they also created a romantic location where lovers can relax and enjoy each other’s company. There are also stores with a variety of sexy club wear and other levels to explore in the Club Cassiopeia Constellation.

   A unique aspect of the club would have to be the bob sled feature that allows guests to take a ride on the wild side to reach other levels of the club.  Both Duh Ghost and jbowe graciously offer up their friend TONY to demonstrate how it worked as he made his way to the levels below in the fast and furious spiraling slide.

I asked jbowe who designed the club and he said, “I came up with the ideas and my club engineer Poolie schwanpuh is the brains behind them.”  He added that Poolie was a brilliant scripter.

The next question I asked was what their objective was. jbowe told me it was to have a place where people can come and enjoy themselves.  He went on to say, “Even our staff here are on the honor roll system. If they get tips they keep the money. All they have to do is make a donation to the club. The amount is their decision.”  jbowe also shared a very true statement by saying, “sometimes when you are generous with people, they are more generous back then if you charged.”  I agreed because I witnessed his generosity first hand when he tried to pay me for an ad board malfunction.  He handled the situation so that guests were all rewarded.

jbowe stated,” When we had the glitch in the contest board today we chose someone who was anonymous to pick the three winners, then I went around and gave everyone 200L's as a consolation prize to be fair. I will always do what is right, even if it costs me because I do not want to be looked at like a lot of clubs in Second Life.”

Jbowe doesn’t work alone. Duh Ghost plays a big role in the operations of the club.  He said,  “Ghost is a very busy lady with her DJ jobs at other clubs, but she decided to be my manager because of my integrity.” Club Cassiopeia also has dancers that are paid above what they earn in tips and they are currently hiring.

To sum up Club Cassiopeia, I asked them to describe Club Cassiopeia in a few words and.  Daff, a manger in training chimed in with “Hot, Fun, Friendly, Generous and Fantastic” Duh Ghost contributed a phrase and said, “Cool people + Good Music = Hellava Fun time!” Jbowe said, “I think you could also put the word unique in it because of our bob sled ride!” Everyone agreed.
I thought I was challenging them when I asked what set their club apart from the others and without hesitation, jbowe said, “Easy, integrity.”

I am assuming that is the secret to their successful turnout.
-Lanai Jarrico


Need a job? Club Cassiopeia is now hiring Dancers, Djs and Managers!
Contact jbow, Duh Ghost or Daffodil writer

Join the Club Cassiopeia Group for the latest parties and events.


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