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Thursday, April 25, 2013

For Aeva Heartsick - A fundraiser to help a much loved creator - Nehem Resident Reporting…

Everyone loves a great creation in second Life. Often times we landmark our favorites so we can visit them over and over. What if your favorite creator needed help? 

For many, Second Life is a way to communicate, a way to make money, a way to live. What you may not know, however, is that Second Life sometimes plays a very important role in real life as well.  Amesha Jewell, the creator of Aeva/Heartsick, is one of those people. Due to various physical and mental conditions, she is unable to work in real life, so she turned to Second Life to do something she loves. Her Skins, shapes and other items are adored by many. 

Recently, Amesha's computer has started to die. Without a new one, she will no longer be able to do the things she loves. Second Life is her only source of income, and without the proper tools, there will be no way for her to continue. Two amazing friends of Amesha´s have put together a fundraiser to help her purchase a brand new computer.

The Event is called, " For Aeva/ Heartsick".  It will take place May 1st-14th. Various creators in second life are placing items for sale, for 100L , with most or all of the proceeds going to benefit Amesha. If you teleport into the main world store, there is also a donation box , where you can donate directly to Amesha´s cause! 

 Also in the main store, she has placed a number of special Valentine and Christmas skins in the front yard, for only 100L!!! They are Absolutely beautiful, and feature a variety of amazing makeup effects and skin tones! My particular favorite , called crush, features bright pink eyeshadow and daring red lips! 

Amesha is a fighter! Just because her PC is dying, doesn't mean she is just giving up. She is still creating amazing things while staying at her parents off and on, just for the benefit. Her Newest creation is a skin called Arielle. Arielle is a group gift skin, and a preview of one of the two new skins that will be available at the benefit. It is Amesha´s way of saying thank you to all of her group supporters! The heartsick group is now also free to join! 

There are also two awesome blogs to check out, that offer some coverage of the event !! The Aeva/Heartsick blog : , and the event blog For Aeva Heartsick : Here you can find Amesha's latest creation updates, event information, and more.

Second life is always changing, but there are some things we never want to see change. Be it a favorite store, club or other venue. Heartsick is no exception. Sticking together as a community is one thing that second life is all about, and supporting great causes is one of the many ways to come together.


For More information on the event contact : Feather Fallen or Tabitha Faith

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