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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

VMS News: Tristyn Homewood : The Balladeer- Pen Dragon Reporting...

Music speaks to everyone. It has been called the universal language. Everyone has a song that points to a specific moment in time, a memory or an emotion. That is the power and the pull of music, and for one man, the voice and the passion of music has led him to over five years of performing in Second Life.
Trystyn Homewood was born into a musical family with his mother singing and his father playing guitar in country/bluegrass bands. However, growing up in Florida he was exposed to, and influenced by the southern rocks stylings of bands like Molly Hatchet and Lynyrd Skynyrd. When he discovered Second Life and the ability to perform live to an audience his interest was piqued and he started his journey.

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