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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

SL Business: How’d ya get so successful?- Definate Balfour Reporting...


Recently I  sat down with an innovator in Second Life; she teaches those who want to provide for others. It’s an awesome thing to do to provide such a service to residents in the virtual world. Evelyn Enterprise is a company formed from one single question, ‘How'd your business get so successful?’ This is a question inquiring minds want to know. I spoke to the owner, Evelyn Johnson, and ask some questions and learned about what she has to offer and even what got her own business started.

Interview with Evelyn Johnson

Definate - Firstly, thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I'm very excited about what you do and who you are.
Evelyn -Thank you I am excited to meet with you :)

Definate - You offer a nice service of teaching others. What got you into teaching? Was it something you wanted to do in real life?
Evelyn - Well I have always enjoyed helping people. And once I started my business back then, it was very successful and then people always asked me, ‘how your business was so successful’ and I thought about it since i know how to run a business and I love and enjoy helping me. I came up with how to run a business class.

Definate - Then do you have some real experience in business management?
Evelyn - Well I helped my uncle run his Restaurant, but it was nothing that serious.

Definate - I think that we can learn the most from our families and those closest to us. That is a wonderful way to start out. Is there a specific business that you can teach the most about or do you feel your skills transcend all categories?
Evelyn - Well there is not a specific business that I can teach the most, I’m pretty sure I can do most, except for actually making the clothes lol.

Definate - I know there are other services in this virtual world that people offer, whether it's building or even clothing as I mentioned, but no one that I can think of teaches how to start those businesses. This makes you special and unique. I think it's a wonderful idea.
 What are the first things we'd go over as you teach me to run my business?
Evelyn - Well the first thing that I will teach you are the introduction to business and what we will be learning like Management , marketing , finance and the fundamental concepts of business. We will go over how to make a business plan for your business.

Definate - How much does this service cost? I'd expect it to be very expensive since you're offering your knowledge and experience to back your teachings.
Evelyn - Well its 5k for 10 classes which will last 10 weeks. I know people will say it’s expensive but we will have a lot of things like, Very successful business owners, group projects etc. We will have speakers too.

Definate -In that case,  your fee is very reasonable considering what you're doing. You may be one of the very few offering this so it's not that bad at all. This is also Second Life. I know plenty people that's spent that or more for a bed!  

Evelyn - Yeah and the good thing is when you graduate I will give you a graduation certificate and it will play a part because, what if you want a business management job. If you show them that, I’m pretty sure you can get the job lol.

Definate - Do you do one on one with a client or do you a classroom type of environment?
Evelyn - Well if a client/student asks for a one on one I will gladly do that. But it’s like a classroom type of environment.

Definate - I'm curious. With all the things you do for others; you must find some time for yourself. When do you take breaks?
Evelyn - I usually take breaks on weekends. To shop (I love to shop haha) and hang out with my friends too.

Definate - What’s some advice you can give to people that having staff working for them in their business? With so many personalities clashing or staff not wanting to work, what do you say to those people?
Evelyn - Well when you are hiring you should always look for someone who has a good attitude & polite. And if one of your staff does not want to work they should not be working in your business. STAFF plays a huge role in someone’s business.

Definate - If you had to, what are the top 5 things people should remember about business when they're running one?
Evelyn - The top 5 are marketing, staff, dress code, Competition, Business Management.

Book your Business Classes at EVELYN ENTERPRISES

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